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Showing posts with label being a mom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label being a mom. Show all posts

26 October 2012

Life's a Roller Coaster Ride

Remember this:

The first glucose test I failed. You can read about that here.

So I had to take the test again. Well this time, it took a couple of days for my doctors to get back to me about whether or not I passed or failed the test. This was unlike the first one where I got the call immediately saying I failed and my glucose level was high. So I assumed all was well. But I kept calling and calling my doctors trying to get the results. When I finally got a hold of them, they told me 2 out of the 3 tests showed that my glucose levels were elevated and I needed to go see a diabetes education specialist. 

I. Freaked. Out.

This was not something I needed. On top of everything else that has been going on (our house is being overrun by bugs, I swear), I didn't need any added stress. Plus, I didn't know what else I was going to do. I'm already on such a restricted diet because of gluten intolerance. Needless to say, I was stressed. I feared the worse. Bring on the insulin shots. That was my motto. 

It was at this moment that I realized God was giving me more than I could handle. I was mad. I was bitter. I was sad. I was grieving. I was an emotional wreck. I couldn't handle this. Not on my own. I was struggling with all my feelings under the sun. I wanted to throw something. Punch something. Anything. How could I have gestational diabetes? I didn't have any of the symptoms and I wasn't a high risk factor. So how could I have this? My biggest concern was that my baby girl would get too big and would have to be taken early. I did not and don't want my baby girl any earlier than she's supposed to be here. I couldn't handle what was going on.

It was in that moment that I learned that I couldn't do it alone. I needed to lean heavily on God and His strength. I wasn't going to be able to get through this stress by myself. Not with all of the worrying I was doing and the dreading I was doing about the future. God tells us not to worry about the future, but that was exactly what I was doing. I was worrying about things that weren't in my control. But they were (and are) in God's control. He alone can handle anything that is thrown my way. He can help me get through whatever mud is in the road. It's when I remembered hearing this song:

It really struck a chord with me yesterday. I had fallen hard and I was hurting. But God, who is in me and gives me strength will get me through this. I've had to meditate on this all day today. Especially with the appointment at the diabetes education center looming ahead.

So I went to my appointment today prepared for the worst. But God doesn't want the worst for us. In fact, He wants the best for us because He loves us. That was proven to me today. The lady who was directing the class asked if we wanted to see the results from our screening. She pulled mine and the girl's who was taking the class with me. When she got the results for us, she was puzzled at why I was even there. According to national standards, my blood tests weren't even high! They were within the normal range!! Just the doctor who I go to goes by a stricter scale. So really, there's nothing for me to worry about! I don't have to really change my diet or anything like that! I do have to monitor my blood sugar, but that shouldn't be bad, and if things are okay then I might even get to stop doing that!

How is that for a God who has my best at heart! He took care of me and my little girl and made sure that everything was going to be okay!

So as of now, everything is okay. Baby girl and I are okay. We'll still have to monitor her most likely to make sure she isn't getting too big. But that just means we get some more pictures of her. 

God has really taken this scary situation and worked it in His favor. He is my strength and He is the One who got me through this.

23 October 2012

28 Weeks!

How far along: 28 weeks !

Trimester: Third and final trimester!!!!!

Baby size: Cucumber - 17 inches and just over 2.5 pounds!

Toes: They're getting harder and harder to see every day.

Gender: BABY GIRL!

Movement: This girl loves to move! Especially when music is playing! It makes me smile. I can't wait to sign her up for her first ballet class!

Cravings: Food. Please. Food. I just need food! My sweet tooth has picked up, though it could be because there are so many yummy sweet treats that are fall-iscious.

Aversions: I tried chicken again...I nearly threw up. It was horrible. No thank you.

Nausea/Morning sickness: No more! Just tired now, and constantly out of breath. Round ligament pain, itchy and stretchy skin, heartburn, acid re-flux, some slight dizziness, and hip and back pain, but nothing to complain about :) Also, I'm beginning to experience Braxton Hicks contractions.

Maternity clothes: Yes yes and yes. I love them. I'm definitely one of those women who is proud to wear my maternity pants. They're just too comfortable to pass up.

Best moment of the week: We got some new things for you! Well, knew to us. We got your swing, some bouncies, and the most adorable clothes! I'm so excited for her to gt here and share them with her!

What I'm looking forward to: Is it too far away to say that I'm looking forward Thanksgiving? I'm looking forward to having the week off and being able to spend it with the hubs.

Well, I failed the one hour glucose test and I'm waiting to hear back about the three hour. I went and had that done yesterday, so I should be hearing about it sooner than later. Last time, they called me immediately when I failed. So I guess the longer it takes them to call me, the chances of me passing grow. At least that's the way I'm going to look at it. Optimism is key right?

The Life Of Faith

16 October 2012


Today has been a rough day and all I want to do right now is cuddle with my baby girl. Unfortunately, I've got 13 more weeks until that is possible. That is if she comes on her due date. I just want her to know that she is loved and cared for. I tell her every day that I love her and give her belly hugs and she rewards me with kicks and punches. But I want to cover her in kisses and snuggles. I'll have to wait though, and that is okay. As the hubs says, "She's not done cooking yet." He's right of course. I want her to finish "cooking" but that doesn't lessen my desire to hold her and love on her.

Doesn't cuddling just look divine? 

15 October 2012

27 Weeks!

How far along: 27 weeks !

Trimester: Last month of the Second Trimester!!!

Baby size: Cucumber - 15 inches and just over 2 pounds!

Toes: They're getting harder and harder to see every day.

Gender: BABY GIRL!

Movement: This girl loves to move! Well, as long as no one wants to feel her move. The instant a hand goes to my belly she stops. I can feel her laughing at the disappointment others have felt.

Cravings: Food. Please. Food. I just need food! My sweet tooth has picked up, though it could be because there are so many yummy sweet treats that are fall-iscious.

Aversions: I tried chicken again...I nearly threw up. It was horrible. No thank you.

Nausea/Morning sickness: No more! Just tired now, and constantly out of breath. Round ligament pain, itchy and stretchy skin, heartburn, acid re-flux, some slight dizziness, and hip and back pain, but nothing to complain about :) Also, I'm beginning to experience Braxton Hicks contractions.

Maternity clothes: Yes yes and yes. I love them. I'm definitely one of those women who is proud to wear my maternity pants. They're just too comfortable to pass up.

Best moment of the week: We got to hang out with friends this weekend and go to the Apple Festival in Ellijay. It was a beautiful day and we had lots of fun!

What I'm [not] looking forward to: Glucose test is this Wednesday. Yucky.

So I'm leaving the second trimester and entering the third. Rather, it feels like I'm getting kicked out of the second trimester and the third is coming on with vengeance. Nausea is starting to come back. But I'm fighting it with tooth and nails. Less than 3 months until my baby girl is here!! I can't wait!!

Mommy Moments Blog Hop

08 October 2012

26 Weeks!!

How far along: 26 weeks !

Trimester: Last month of the Second Trimester!!!

Baby size: An English hothouse cucumber- 14 inches and 2 pounds! Getting bigger and bigger, which can be seen by my ever growing belly!

Toes: They're getting harder and harder to see every day.

Gender: BABY GIRL!

Movement: She keeps moving and flipping, but I can tell it's getting harder for her to move. I'm beginning to notice a pattern to her movements as well.

Cravings: Food. Please. Food. I just need food! My sweet tooth has picked up, though it could be because there are so many yummy sweet treats that are fall-iscious.

Aversions: I've tried chicken, and it's okay...still not my favorite though.

Nausea/Morning sickness: No more! Just tired now, and constantly out of breath. Round ligament pain, itchy and stretchy skin, heartburn, acid re-flux, some slight dizziness, and hip and back pain, but nothing to complain about :) Also, I'm beginning to experience Braxton Hicks contractions.

Maternity clothes: Yes yes and yes. I love them. I'm definitely one of those women who is proud to wear my maternity pants. They're just too comfortable to pass up.

Best moment of the week: Your daddy got to really feel you kick this week. It was a very special moment and I was so happy that he could experience just a little bit of what I feel many times throughout the day.

What I'm looking forward to: The Apple Festival this weekend with dear friends! I'm so excited to get out and enjoy this cool weather. 

I feel like recently my stomach has grown exponentially. And I'm loving it! I mean there's no denying I'm pregnant with this little basketball belly. Of course, I know I'm only going to get bigger from here, but I welcome it. I love my ever-growing belly. It's fun to dress up, and it shocked me when I went to put on one of my "small" t-shirts and it barely covered my stomach! Once again, I love it!!

The Life Of Faith

My Joy-Filled Life

03 October 2012

Bringing Home Baby; The Advice

I see shirts like this and they make me laugh. I just kinda roll my eyes and continue on with my life. But there is something to this shirt that makes sense. I can see why some people would portray this kind of attitude. Being a first time mom, I never realized how many people offer advice the instant they find out your pregnant. Then the advice continues once they find out if you're having a boy or girl. And with that advice comes their opinions. 

I'm not complaining though. It's just their way of showing that they care, even if they don't know me. I'm getting good at just smiling and nodding. But I believe this is a part of what it takes to bring baby home. Putting up with all the unsolicited advice that comes your way is just another thing you have to deal with. The best part is, you most likely know who has your best interest at heart and in the's your body and your baby. All that matters in the end is how you feel.

Along with the unsolicited advice...the belly rubs! Once again, I just smile and nod.

01 October 2012

25 Weeks!

How far along: 25 weeks 

Trimester: Last month of the Second Trimester!!!

Baby size: Average rutabaga - 13 inches and 2 pounds! Getting bigger and bigger, which can be seen by my ever growing belly!

Toes: They're getting harder and harder to see every day.

Gender: BABY GIRL!

Movement: She keeps moving and flipping, but I can tell it's getting harder for her to move. Things must be getting tighter in there!

Cravings: Food. Please. Food. I just need food! My sweet tooth has picked up, though it could be because there are so many yummy sweet treats that are fall-iscious.

Aversions: I've tried chicken, and it's okay...still not my favorite though.

Nausea/Morning sickness: No more! Just tired now, and constantly out of breath. Round ligament pain, itchy and stretchy skin, heartburn, some slight dizziness, and hip and back pain, but nothing to complain about :)

Maternity clothes: Yes yes and yes. I love them. I'm definitely one of those women who is proud to wear my maternity pants. They're just too comfortable to pass up.

Best moment of the week: We had another doctor's appointment and everything checked out well! Also, it's now more apparent that there's a baby in my belly. It's like BOOM in your face! Haha. I love it!! And it's now big enough to rest my cups and things on, which comes in handy :)

What I'm looking forward to: Finishing the nursery! Now that I know what we're having, nesting has kicked in full force.  The crib is up, but that's about it.

The Life Of Faith

27 September 2012

My darling daughter...

I know we haven't officially met yet, but I feel like I know you. I've spent many hours trying to picture what you will look like. Will you be a blonde, a brunette, or a ginger? Will you have blue eyes, brown eyes, green eyes, or even hazel eyes like me? Your dad and I joke that you can have his looks and my brains and we'll be alright. No matter what, my darling, you are a beautiful girl. I'm seeing the world in a new light now, knowing that you will be joining our family, and I can't wait until I can see you discover it through your new eyes. 

When I first heard this song by Tyrone Wells I immediately thought of you. Now, whenever I hear it, which is often because I can't stop playing it, I tear up knowing that this is your song. There is just something about this song that sends a message straight to the place in my heart where you have taken residence. It is your song and there is none out there that suits you better. 

"You fit me perfectly, darling it's plain to see, you are a beautiful girl"

I can't wait until you're here so we can dance to the song together and I can whisper in your ear over and over again that you are a beautiful girl. That you are my beautiful girl and you make my world beautiful.

25 September 2012

Bringing Home Baby; the Nursery

A lot of research has been put into this whole "having a baby thing." I have found out there is a lot more to bringing home baby than just popping them out and then placing them in a car seat to bring them home. Obviously I'm kidding just a little here. 

Even before baby comes home, baby has to have a place to come home to. A place for baby to sleep (eventually), a place for a diaper change, and a place to keep all of baby's cute adorable clothes that so many loved ones has purchased for them. A nursery. For some people the nursery is a shared room, either with another child or room that has another purpose. Other people set aside a special room just for their little new little one. Of course, this varies from family to family and it all depends on living situation. The hubs and I are lucky to have a room that we have set aside for our little girl. Now we just have to fill the room with lovely things.

Things I've found we need:

Now this isn't our crib, just one like it. I'm saving sharing the final crib reveal for when our nursery is fully complete.

Once again, this isn't ours. We decided to go with a dresser that can have a changing pad added on top. This way the changing table can serve dual purposes.

Cribs don't come equipped with crib mattresses. Who knew? There are so many options out there with crib mattresses. There are foam mattresses and spring mattresses. We opted for a spring mattress when we registered. 

I imagine a glider will be ideal for feedings and rocking my little one to sleep. Honestly, I can't wait to put ours to use!

I'm still on the lookout for a good bookshelf unit for storing toys, books, and nick-knacks. I have the perfect spot for a shelving unit just like the one in the top right picture. Now just to find the perfect piece.

There are more things that a nursery needs, but in my opinion these are the essentials. Of course, I'm a first time mom so this list might change as time goes by and we get adjusted to life with a little one, but that'll be for another post. If you see anything I need to add, please feel free to let me know! The goal this weekend is to work some more on the nursery. I'm ready for it to be ready, because, even though she has 3 and a half more months of cooking to do, I'll feel better when things are settled and ready. It's just my nature I guess. Oh well, here's to a weekend of organizing and getting things ready! And then once that's all done, I'll post all about our little one's nursery!

13 September 2012

To Cloth or Not to Cloth, that is the question...

Whether 'tis nobler in mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And by opposing end them.

Okay, enough of my Shakespeare rant. But I couldn't resist David Tennant as Hamlet. Amazing. Purely amazing. 

But seriously, to cloth or not to cloth? That has been the biggest question of my pregnancy and one I have been wrestling with for a while. Do we take the step and attempt to use cloth diapers or do we stick with the traditional disposable diapers. The heaviest weighing factor is the cost effectiveness. Disposable diapers cost a lot of money, around $2000 or more per child. But that cost is spread out over months. The cost of cloth diapers depends on the style of diaper that you buy and how many you buy. This is more of an upfront cost. But you can reuse diapers for each child you have. So it's only a one-time fee depending on how well you care for the diapers.

With the idea of me being a stay-at-home mom after this school year (this is the goal, we'll see if we make it - please pray that we do!), it shouldn't be too much trouble for me to keep up with a stack of cloth diapers and caring for the diapers. The thing would be getting a routine down (which I think I could do).

Everyone of my family members, especially the hubs, is against the idea. But the whole cost thing is really getting to me. I am trying my hardest to save as much money as I can, another thing helping me to get home for good. Of course I know there are coupons and I could coupon for inexpensive diapers, but I just don't know. There's something tugging at my gut that just leans towards the cloth!

Help! Do you lovely moms out there have opinions for me?! Advice? If I do go with cloth diapers, what should we go with? (Side note: I won't start officially cloth diapering until probably around 2 months or after we've established life at home with a new baby)

Any advice will be well taken and would be very much appreciated!

10 September 2012

22 Weeks!

How far along: 22 weeks 

Trimester: Last month of the Second Trimester!!!

Baby size: Spaghetti Squash - 11 inches and I have a feeling she's well over a pound.

Toes: They're getting harder and harder to see every day.

Gender: BABY GIRL!

Movement: Baby is wriggling around like crazy! But I'm not complaining, I'm loving it! I just can't wait until I can start seeing her move! 

Cravings: Food. Please. Food. I just need food!

Aversions: I'm warming up to chicken, as long as it's fried. Good southern fried chicken does sound good at the moment.

Nausea/Morning sickness: No more! Just tired now, and constantly out of breath. Round ligament pain, itchy and stretchy skin, heartburn, some slight dizziness, and back pain, but nothing to complain about :)

Maternity clothes: Yes yes and yes. I love them. I'm definitely one of those women who is proud to wear my maternity pants. They're just too comfortable to pass up.

Best moment of the week: UGA FOOTBALL!!!!!!!!!! But more seriously, the weather has officially cooled down! It's been so much easier on this pregnant and prone-to-being-incredibly-hot body. Fall is officially here and that means just one more season until this baby girl gets here!!

What I'm looking forward to: Finishing the nursery! Now that I know what we're having, nesting has kicked in full force.  The crib is up, but that's about it. 


04 September 2012

What's in a name?

The hubs and I have always known that naming our children would be important. We both have a strong sense of family ties and wanting to carry on family traditions. It might just be a southern thing, but we love to carry on and honor namesakes. So when it came time to choose a name for our little girl, we didn't hesitate. We knew what we would be naming her. Johanna Mary, or Jo for short. Johanna honors my great-grandmother on my father's side, though she spelled her name slightly different. Mary honors about six people on both my husband's and my side, including my mother-in-law. The nickname Jo honors my maternal grandfather and his father. 

I personally just love the name. It sounds good when said aloud and it just feels right in my heart.

03 September 2012

21 Weeks and Gender Reveal!

How far along: 21 weeks 

Trimester: Second

Baby size: Carrot - 10 1/2 inches long and according to the last ultrasound weighs 14 ounces (we've got a fat baby!)

Toes: They're getting harder and harder to see every day.

Gender: BABY GIRL!

Movement: Baby is wriggling around like crazy! But I'm not complaining, I'm loving it!

Cravings: Food. Please. Food. I just need food!

Aversions: I still don't like chicken, but really it doesn't matter. I just want food nowadays, maybe that's why we've got a little chunk! 

Nausea/Morning sickness: No more! Just tired now, and constantly out of breath. Round ligament pain, itchy and stretchy skin, heartburn, and some slight dizziness, but nothing to complain about :)

Maternity clothes: Yes yes and yes. I love them. I'm definitely one of those women who is proud to wear my maternity pants. They're just too comfortable to pass up.

Best moment of the week: Finding out the gender and sharing the news with our family! It was awesome having them all in one place when we told them our news. Now just for her to get here!

What I'm looking forward to: Finishing the nursery! Now that I know what we're having, nesting has kicked in full force. My goal is to get the crib set up today so I can work on the smaller details and the cutesy stuff.

Here's a quick photo snapped at the reveal. Everyone was so excited and I was so nervous when we opened that box. Even though I knew what was inside, I still had butterflies. But everyone is so excited. I'll have more pictures documenting the day later. One of my best friends is an amazing photographer and so she captured it all for us. I can't wait to see the pictures and share them all!


30 August 2012

The Big Day!

Today was the big day! The hubs and I found out what we're having! But shhh...It's still a secret. Tater Tot was so unruly! First, the legs were crossed, then fetal position. And every time we tried to get a face picture, up went the hands to cover up! But it was so fun to see our little one! We even got a dvd to watch and share. It's exciting to see our little one grow bigger. We still have a little while before we actually get to meet our little one, but we're so excited!!

So the gender is still a secret until Sunday when we have our gender reveal party and we're able to share it with our family and friends! Here are the invites that I created for the party. They're nothing special, but I'm proud of them.

Yesterday we spent the day shopping and getting things ready. Because it's fall (almost), there aren't many "bee" things out there. Plenty of butterfly and ducks, but no bees. So we had to improvise. One of my best friends (an awesome photographer) is bringing her camera to capture everything, so I'll post those and everything after Sunday when the big reveal happens!

I'm so excited and so in love with this little one inside of me. I just can't wait until they're in my arms and I can snuggle. It's going to be wonderful!

28 August 2012

Registry Items

So since we're finding out what we're having Thursday and the hubs gets off early Friday, we decided to take the day and go register for baby items. But here's the kicker, I know of a few things I want to register but I want to know what we need to register for. Like most first time moms probably do, I've been researching (thanks Pinterest for making it easier) and reading up on items.

Here are some items I've come up with that I've already put on my list:

I've heard from friends that this little doo-dad is amazing and comes in really handy because it's easy to transport.

Yes please! I love the idea of carrying my little one close. The fact that this carrier is so versatile is just awesome! Plus, I've heard good things about the item.

This thing wins major points on the cuteness factor. I don't know how vital it is for us to have one of these or even if they are good, I just think it's adorable!

Do you have any more items that are the "must haves" and that we won't be able to live without? I'd love all the input I can get! Otherwise, I'm going to be completely lost and I might just get registry gun happy and start clicking on everything.

27 August 2012

20 Weeks!

How far along: 20 weeks (HALFWAY THERE!!)

Trimester: Second

Baby size: Banana - 6 1/2 inches!

Toes: They're getting harder and harder to see every day.

Gender: We find out Thursday!!

Movement: Baby is wriggling around like crazy! But I'm not complaining, I'm loving it!

Cravings: Food. Please. Food. I just need food!

Aversions: Slowly fading away! Now I just want to eat all the time.

Nausea/Morning sickness: No more! Just tired now, and constantly out of breath. Round ligament pain, itchy and stretchy skin, heartburn, and some slight dizziness, but nothing to complain about :)

Maternity clothes: Yes yes and yes. I love them. I'm definitely one of those women who is proud to wear my maternity pants. They're just too comfortable to pass up.

Best moment of the week: Feeling those little flutters!

What I'm looking forward to: Ultrasound on Thursday! We get to find out if you're a little boy or girl!! And gender reveal on Sunday! I'm so excited to share the news with the family!

Apparently I'm really popping out. People are really taking notice. Even my students are noticing and asking questions. It's fun to see their eyes get big when they ask "Are you having a baby?" I just smile and say yes. One girl then went on to say "You're having a baby now?!" I just laughed and said "Not right now." Oh kids. They're adorable. This was after I was told that I had fluffy elbows. I don't know what that means exactly, but can I blame that on the pregnancy as well? I do love my kids and listening to their silly little antics. I can't wait to see what our little one comes up with. It's going to be interesting! Don't forget to vote on if you think it's a boy or a girl!


21 August 2012

19 Weeks!


How far along: 19 weeks 

Trimester: Second

Baby size: Mango - 6 inches!!

Toes: I can still see them! I have proof!

Gender: Find out at in 1 week!!!!

Movement: Best feeling ever! The hubs felt kicks for the first time too! I love being able to share that with him!

Cravings: Food. Please. Food.

Aversions: Slowly fading away! Now I just want to eat all the time.

Nausea/Morning sickness: No more! Just tired now, and constantly out of breath. Round ligament pain, itchy and stretchy skin, heartburn, and leg cramps have found their way into the picture though.

Maternity clothes: Yes yes and yes. I love them. I'm definitely one of those women who is proud to wear my maternity pants. They're just too comfortable to pass up.

Best moment of the week: Feeling those little flutters!

What I'm looking forward to: Ultrasound next Thursday!!

Second week back at work and I'm slowly building up stamina. The stairs are killing me though. I get winded easily. But that's to be expected and I'm okay with it. I love this pregnancy. Sometimes I'm exhausted and sometimes I complain, but I'm loving being pregnant! Absolutely loving it. Don't forget to vote on what you think we're having!! Boy or girl?!


08 August 2012

Baby Kicks and Flutters

As I sat here moping about not getting to see my baby for another 3 weeks and having to wait longer to find out if we're having a booger head (boy) or a tater tot (girl), the best thing started happening. I got to feel the little one kick. I love just being able to sit and feel the little one move. It's such a strange and wonderful feeling! I love it though, it means my baby is happy and healthy and moving! I just can't get over the wonderful feeling of having this little one growing inside of me.

It was such a wonderful and uplifting moment. It changed my whole mood for the day. This little one is bringing us so much joy already and I can't wait until we get to see him/her again and then when we can finally hold him/her in our arms! January 2013 hurry up and get here! (But let me get the nursery done first)

07 August 2012

17 Weeks!

How far along: 17 weeks 

Trimester: Second

Baby size: Onion

Toes: I can still see them!

Gender: Find out hopefully next week!

Movement: Best feeling ever! I just wish I could feel it more often! And the hubs can't wait until he can feel it too!

Cravings: Pizza please, garlic bread, hello carbs

Aversions: Slowly fading away! Now I just want to eat all the time.

Nausea/Morning sickness: No more! Just tired now, and constantly out of breath.

Maternity clothes: Yes yes and yes. I tried the whole use a rubber band to keep your pants on thing and it's not going to fly for this pregnant chick.

Best moment of the week: Feeling those little flutters and sharing my excitement with my coworkers!

What I'm looking forward to: The doctor's appointment tomorrow and hopefully sonogram next week and gender reveal party!! I'm so excited to find out what we're having!

My belly button has been changing too! It's been funny to watch. Also, I can feel my skin stretching, especially after a big meal. Can you say weird?! And it's making my skin itch! But I'm trying to keep moisturizing and keep those stretch marks at bay. If they do come though, I will welcome them. They're for a good cause. My breasts are also getting bigger, which means itching and pain. Oh my word they hurt! It's all for a good cause though, right? I just keep telling myself that. Everything for the best cause ever! I can't wait to meet my baby!
