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07 September 2012

Friday Letters

Dear Friday, Thank you for finally showing up. Dear Nap time, I'm beginning to really appreciate our time together. I don't think I could get through the day without you. Dear Baby Jo, I love your little kicks! Your crib is all set up. Now we just need a mattress and other essentials. But I love you! You're amazing and I love feeling your movements. You also have a very special stuffed bear that your Great Aunt got you. I've been cuddling with it. But honestly, I'm ready for you to be here to cuddle with. Dear Hubs, I'm so thankful for all that you've done for our family! You're working so hard and I'm so proud to have you by my side on this journey! Also, I'm excited that it's the weekend so we can spend some time together! Dear Football, I don't think it was a good idea for me to get pregnant during football season. All of the raging hormones on top of the stress from football can't be good for me. Dear UGA Football, You better win tomorrow or I may have a coronary. 

A little bow for our little girl :)

Linking up with


04 September 2012

What's in a name?

The hubs and I have always known that naming our children would be important. We both have a strong sense of family ties and wanting to carry on family traditions. It might just be a southern thing, but we love to carry on and honor namesakes. So when it came time to choose a name for our little girl, we didn't hesitate. We knew what we would be naming her. Johanna Mary, or Jo for short. Johanna honors my great-grandmother on my father's side, though she spelled her name slightly different. Mary honors about six people on both my husband's and my side, including my mother-in-law. The nickname Jo honors my maternal grandfather and his father. 

I personally just love the name. It sounds good when said aloud and it just feels right in my heart.

03 September 2012

21 Weeks and Gender Reveal!

How far along: 21 weeks 

Trimester: Second

Baby size: Carrot - 10 1/2 inches long and according to the last ultrasound weighs 14 ounces (we've got a fat baby!)

Toes: They're getting harder and harder to see every day.

Gender: BABY GIRL!

Movement: Baby is wriggling around like crazy! But I'm not complaining, I'm loving it!

Cravings: Food. Please. Food. I just need food!

Aversions: I still don't like chicken, but really it doesn't matter. I just want food nowadays, maybe that's why we've got a little chunk! 

Nausea/Morning sickness: No more! Just tired now, and constantly out of breath. Round ligament pain, itchy and stretchy skin, heartburn, and some slight dizziness, but nothing to complain about :)

Maternity clothes: Yes yes and yes. I love them. I'm definitely one of those women who is proud to wear my maternity pants. They're just too comfortable to pass up.

Best moment of the week: Finding out the gender and sharing the news with our family! It was awesome having them all in one place when we told them our news. Now just for her to get here!

What I'm looking forward to: Finishing the nursery! Now that I know what we're having, nesting has kicked in full force. My goal is to get the crib set up today so I can work on the smaller details and the cutesy stuff.

Here's a quick photo snapped at the reveal. Everyone was so excited and I was so nervous when we opened that box. Even though I knew what was inside, I still had butterflies. But everyone is so excited. I'll have more pictures documenting the day later. One of my best friends is an amazing photographer and so she captured it all for us. I can't wait to see the pictures and share them all!


30 August 2012

The Big Day!

Today was the big day! The hubs and I found out what we're having! But shhh...It's still a secret. Tater Tot was so unruly! First, the legs were crossed, then fetal position. And every time we tried to get a face picture, up went the hands to cover up! But it was so fun to see our little one! We even got a dvd to watch and share. It's exciting to see our little one grow bigger. We still have a little while before we actually get to meet our little one, but we're so excited!!

So the gender is still a secret until Sunday when we have our gender reveal party and we're able to share it with our family and friends! Here are the invites that I created for the party. They're nothing special, but I'm proud of them.

Yesterday we spent the day shopping and getting things ready. Because it's fall (almost), there aren't many "bee" things out there. Plenty of butterfly and ducks, but no bees. So we had to improvise. One of my best friends (an awesome photographer) is bringing her camera to capture everything, so I'll post those and everything after Sunday when the big reveal happens!

I'm so excited and so in love with this little one inside of me. I just can't wait until they're in my arms and I can snuggle. It's going to be wonderful!

28 August 2012

Registry Items

So since we're finding out what we're having Thursday and the hubs gets off early Friday, we decided to take the day and go register for baby items. But here's the kicker, I know of a few things I want to register but I want to know what we need to register for. Like most first time moms probably do, I've been researching (thanks Pinterest for making it easier) and reading up on items.

Here are some items I've come up with that I've already put on my list:

I've heard from friends that this little doo-dad is amazing and comes in really handy because it's easy to transport.

Yes please! I love the idea of carrying my little one close. The fact that this carrier is so versatile is just awesome! Plus, I've heard good things about the item.

This thing wins major points on the cuteness factor. I don't know how vital it is for us to have one of these or even if they are good, I just think it's adorable!

Do you have any more items that are the "must haves" and that we won't be able to live without? I'd love all the input I can get! Otherwise, I'm going to be completely lost and I might just get registry gun happy and start clicking on everything.

27 August 2012

20 Weeks!

How far along: 20 weeks (HALFWAY THERE!!)

Trimester: Second

Baby size: Banana - 6 1/2 inches!

Toes: They're getting harder and harder to see every day.

Gender: We find out Thursday!!

Movement: Baby is wriggling around like crazy! But I'm not complaining, I'm loving it!

Cravings: Food. Please. Food. I just need food!

Aversions: Slowly fading away! Now I just want to eat all the time.

Nausea/Morning sickness: No more! Just tired now, and constantly out of breath. Round ligament pain, itchy and stretchy skin, heartburn, and some slight dizziness, but nothing to complain about :)

Maternity clothes: Yes yes and yes. I love them. I'm definitely one of those women who is proud to wear my maternity pants. They're just too comfortable to pass up.

Best moment of the week: Feeling those little flutters!

What I'm looking forward to: Ultrasound on Thursday! We get to find out if you're a little boy or girl!! And gender reveal on Sunday! I'm so excited to share the news with the family!

Apparently I'm really popping out. People are really taking notice. Even my students are noticing and asking questions. It's fun to see their eyes get big when they ask "Are you having a baby?" I just smile and say yes. One girl then went on to say "You're having a baby now?!" I just laughed and said "Not right now." Oh kids. They're adorable. This was after I was told that I had fluffy elbows. I don't know what that means exactly, but can I blame that on the pregnancy as well? I do love my kids and listening to their silly little antics. I can't wait to see what our little one comes up with. It's going to be interesting! Don't forget to vote on if you think it's a boy or a girl!


24 August 2012

Friday's Letters

Dear Friday, Thank you for finally getting here. It's been a long week and I'm in need of a break. Now for a long night's sleep. 

I'm going to dive into bed now. I'm pregnant, and it's never too early to go to sleep when you're pregnant.

22 August 2012

It's Wednesday

I started to title this post "Tuesday Tidbits" but then I got to thinking, it's not Tuesday, it's Wednesday! YAY! One day closer to the weekend! My week has completely been thrown off. Monday felt like I was still on summer vacation. I was running all over the place and didn't have enough time to sit down and really contemplate that it's Monday during the school year. Summer is over. At least, in the no school sense. It seems like summer is ending weather-wise too. I have to put on a sweater when I go outside in the morning! It's August! In Georgia! It's supposed to be sweltering out there and instead it's quite comfortable. Not that I'm complaining at all. In fact, I'm celebrating. Fall means we're closer to baby coming! And fall means apple festivals, leaves changing, cool weather, boots, and scarves. I love fall. No doubt about that. And this fall I'm going to be dressing a little differently. This bump gets bigger and bigger. So I'm imagining lots of leggings with boots. 

I'm dreaming. I love all of these. Now I just the weather to officially cool off and stay cooled off. Just a few more weeks!! {{and a week until we find out what we're having!! I don't think next Wednesday night I'll be able to sleep a week!}}

21 August 2012

19 Weeks!


How far along: 19 weeks 

Trimester: Second

Baby size: Mango - 6 inches!!

Toes: I can still see them! I have proof!

Gender: Find out at in 1 week!!!!

Movement: Best feeling ever! The hubs felt kicks for the first time too! I love being able to share that with him!

Cravings: Food. Please. Food.

Aversions: Slowly fading away! Now I just want to eat all the time.

Nausea/Morning sickness: No more! Just tired now, and constantly out of breath. Round ligament pain, itchy and stretchy skin, heartburn, and leg cramps have found their way into the picture though.

Maternity clothes: Yes yes and yes. I love them. I'm definitely one of those women who is proud to wear my maternity pants. They're just too comfortable to pass up.

Best moment of the week: Feeling those little flutters!

What I'm looking forward to: Ultrasound next Thursday!!

Second week back at work and I'm slowly building up stamina. The stairs are killing me though. I get winded easily. But that's to be expected and I'm okay with it. I love this pregnancy. Sometimes I'm exhausted and sometimes I complain, but I'm loving being pregnant! Absolutely loving it. Don't forget to vote on what you think we're having!! Boy or girl?!


19 August 2012

3 years

This past Wednesday was our 3 year anniversary. However, being the life that we lead we couldn't make any time on the actual day to do something. So we planned to wait until the weekend to do something special. The original idea was to go for a hike and have a picnic, but weather was a little iffy. So then it was trying to decide where to go out to eat. Now, we're on a really tight budget, so our options were extremely limited. We still hadn't made up our minds when we got a surprise gift card to the Cheesecake Factory (thanks Mom and Dad!). So it was decided. Our first dress up date night since our anniversary last year. Let me tell you, it was special and wonderful and it was such a great time. The weather was perfect, so we sat outside on the patio, and the food was even better!

It was a wonderful evening to spend with a wonderful man. 

He got the Jambalaya pasta dish, and said it was amazing.  

I got the steak Diane. Sooooo good! 

Tiramisu Cheesecake 

I wanted the classic topped with strawberries. It was the perfect way to end the evening. 

Does that cheesecake not look divine?! 

Happy to be spending the day with the man I love.

17 August 2012

Friday's Letters

Dear Friday, Thank you for finally showing up. I swear, this week has seemed to last a whole month. Dear Weekend, I'm looking forward to you being here. You being here means that I get to spend time with my husband. Dear Hubs, This week has been trying, but I'm so proud of you. I know things won't get easier for a while, but we'll find a way to make it work. Dear Tater Tot, Just two more weeks until we get to see you again! For now, I'm trying to keep up my vitamin C so I don't get sick from all those germy kids. Dear Hubs, I love my flowers and my present! (And for all those wondering, he got me blinds for the living room! I cried I was so excited! Yes, at 3 years we're already an old married couple who gets excited about things like blinds.) I can't wait until tomorrow night when we can get all dressed up and go out to dinner to celebrate 3 wonderful years. I love you so much!


Oh! And the voting is open on whether or not you think we're having a baby boy or girl! The poll is at the top over there --> So get to voting!!

15 August 2012

I Do

3 years ago today, my husband and I were up with the sunrise just to say those 2 special words..."I do." 

My life changed for the better that day. I married the love of my life and from that day on I knew I would get to spend the rest of my life with this man. 

Since then we have bought our house, moved cities, and now we're starting our family. 

I couldn't found a better partner to share life with. He is a wonderful husband and is going to be a great father. I am seriously the luckiest girl on the planet to have him by my side for this journey that we're on. He is truly God's perfect match for me. Together we have faced hardships, and I know many more will come our way. But no matter what, we'll face those hardships together. With God as our anchor we can weather any storm that comes our way. I am so blessed to be married to the man of my dreams, a man so who so willingly loves me, spoils me, and cherishes me. 

I love you honey. Here's to many more anniversaries to share together. You are truly the man of my dreams and my perfect mate. I love you hubs, more than you will ever know!

13 August 2012

18 Weeks!

How far along: 18 weeks 

Trimester: Second

Baby size: Bell Pepper - 5.5 inches

Toes: I can still see them! It's getting harder though!

Gender: Find out at the end of the month :( The doctor wants to wait until we're fully 20 weeks.

Movement: Best feeling ever! I just wish I could feel it more often! And the hubs can't wait until he can feel it too!

Cravings: Food. Please. Food.

Aversions: Slowly fading away! Now I just want to eat all the time.

Nausea/Morning sickness: No more! Just tired now, and constantly out of breath.

Maternity clothes: Yes yes and yes. I tried the whole use a rubber band to keep your pants on thing and it's not going to fly for this pregnant chick.

Best moment of the week: Feeling those little flutters and sharing my excitement with my coworkers!

What I'm looking forward to: Sharing your kicks with daddy, hopefully he'll get to feel them soon and planning for your gender reveal party! 

This week has been filled with going back to work. I am exhausted and all I feel like sleeping the instant I get home. I'm praying some sense of routine will fall into place and I'll get used to this new schedule. Bedtime right now is around 9, sometimes earlier depending on the day. Then the alarm clock calls at 5 in the morning. Repeat. Is it the weekend yet? Haha 

OH! And I got a new haircut. I apologize for the mess that I am. I spent all day on my feet in utter craziness (cheers to the first week of school!).


10 August 2012

Friday's Letters

Dear Friday, Thank you for coming. I need the weekend to spend time with the hubby. Dear Pregnant Body, Please don't hate me. I know being on my feet for four hours straight wasn't the most ideal situation, but you gotta get used to it. It's back to work we go and being on your feet is just part of the job.Dear Haircut, You are so refreshing and definitely a keeper! I love this new look and I'm definitely going to keep it up for a while. Dear Hubs, It's the weekend and that means we get to see each other! Thanks for working so hard this week. You rock! Dear Baby, I love how your kicks are getting more often and that they're getting stronger. Your heartbeat is strong and things look good! I can't wait to see you in 3 weeks! Dear Next 3 Weeks, Please go by fast!! I want to see my baby!! Dear New Students, I'm so excited that I got to meet you today and I can't wait to see your smiling faces on Monday! Dear Perry the Platypus, I found you today. Thanks for coming to my school. Dear Hubs, Get home soon! I know you work late again tonight, but get home sooner than later okay? And can we please finish the crib tomorrow? :)


08 August 2012

Baby Kicks and Flutters

As I sat here moping about not getting to see my baby for another 3 weeks and having to wait longer to find out if we're having a booger head (boy) or a tater tot (girl), the best thing started happening. I got to feel the little one kick. I love just being able to sit and feel the little one move. It's such a strange and wonderful feeling! I love it though, it means my baby is happy and healthy and moving! I just can't get over the wonderful feeling of having this little one growing inside of me.

It was such a wonderful and uplifting moment. It changed my whole mood for the day. This little one is bringing us so much joy already and I can't wait until we get to see him/her again and then when we can finally hold him/her in our arms! January 2013 hurry up and get here! (But let me get the nursery done first)


So this entire time I have been planning on finding out next week what we're having. Last time we scheduled an ultrasound it was for a week after the doctor's visit, so that's what I assumed we'd do this time. I'd be at 18 and a half weeks so there should be no problem in determining the gender or anything, right? Well, I guess I was wrong. Now we have to wait another 3 weeks to find out if we're having a boy or girl. 3 weeks! To say that I'm a little upset is an understatement. I was so excited about next week and getting to not only find out, but see the baby again! Nope. 3. More. Weeks. I'm heartbroken. Completely heartbroken. I guess I should be thankful that we even have the opportunity to do something like this and see the baby, but it's hard when your hopes are dashed. I tried talking them into letting us move up the date, but that clearly wasn't going to happen. 

So 3 more weeks it is. Until then, I guess I'll spend my time planning that gender reveal party. It does give me more time to get things ready and invite people. So maybe it's a good thing in the end. I'm trying to look on the bright side. But it's kinda hard when all my emotions are warring with each other and all I feel like doing is crying. 

Life goes on and I am grateful that we are pregnant. Everything checked out fine today at the doctor. The baby's heartbeat was perfect and everything looked like we were moving along in the right direction. There is nothing truly for me to be upset about. I'm just anxious and impatient and ready to start registering and shopping and getting more specific things. From now on though, when people ask me what we're having I'm going to say a velociraptor. Just because I can.

07 August 2012

17 Weeks!

How far along: 17 weeks 

Trimester: Second

Baby size: Onion

Toes: I can still see them!

Gender: Find out hopefully next week!

Movement: Best feeling ever! I just wish I could feel it more often! And the hubs can't wait until he can feel it too!

Cravings: Pizza please, garlic bread, hello carbs

Aversions: Slowly fading away! Now I just want to eat all the time.

Nausea/Morning sickness: No more! Just tired now, and constantly out of breath.

Maternity clothes: Yes yes and yes. I tried the whole use a rubber band to keep your pants on thing and it's not going to fly for this pregnant chick.

Best moment of the week: Feeling those little flutters and sharing my excitement with my coworkers!

What I'm looking forward to: The doctor's appointment tomorrow and hopefully sonogram next week and gender reveal party!! I'm so excited to find out what we're having!

My belly button has been changing too! It's been funny to watch. Also, I can feel my skin stretching, especially after a big meal. Can you say weird?! And it's making my skin itch! But I'm trying to keep moisturizing and keep those stretch marks at bay. If they do come though, I will welcome them. They're for a good cause. My breasts are also getting bigger, which means itching and pain. Oh my word they hurt! It's all for a good cause though, right? I just keep telling myself that. Everything for the best cause ever! I can't wait to meet my baby!


"I want to see mountains again, Gandalf, mountains, and then find somewhere where I can rest. In peace and quiet, without a lot of relatives prying around, and a string of confounded visitors hanging on the bell. I might find somewhere where I can finish my book. I have thought of a nice ending for it: and he lived happily ever after to the end of his days." - Bilbo Baggins

Clearly I'm a little homesick for Colorado. I miss the mountains and the air and the sky and everything about it. 

Road trip anybody?