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Showing posts with label weekly updates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weekly updates. Show all posts

15 October 2012

27 Weeks!

How far along: 27 weeks !

Trimester: Last month of the Second Trimester!!!

Baby size: Cucumber - 15 inches and just over 2 pounds!

Toes: They're getting harder and harder to see every day.

Gender: BABY GIRL!

Movement: This girl loves to move! Well, as long as no one wants to feel her move. The instant a hand goes to my belly she stops. I can feel her laughing at the disappointment others have felt.

Cravings: Food. Please. Food. I just need food! My sweet tooth has picked up, though it could be because there are so many yummy sweet treats that are fall-iscious.

Aversions: I tried chicken again...I nearly threw up. It was horrible. No thank you.

Nausea/Morning sickness: No more! Just tired now, and constantly out of breath. Round ligament pain, itchy and stretchy skin, heartburn, acid re-flux, some slight dizziness, and hip and back pain, but nothing to complain about :) Also, I'm beginning to experience Braxton Hicks contractions.

Maternity clothes: Yes yes and yes. I love them. I'm definitely one of those women who is proud to wear my maternity pants. They're just too comfortable to pass up.

Best moment of the week: We got to hang out with friends this weekend and go to the Apple Festival in Ellijay. It was a beautiful day and we had lots of fun!

What I'm [not] looking forward to: Glucose test is this Wednesday. Yucky.

So I'm leaving the second trimester and entering the third. Rather, it feels like I'm getting kicked out of the second trimester and the third is coming on with vengeance. Nausea is starting to come back. But I'm fighting it with tooth and nails. Less than 3 months until my baby girl is here!! I can't wait!!

Mommy Moments Blog Hop

08 October 2012

26 Weeks!!

How far along: 26 weeks !

Trimester: Last month of the Second Trimester!!!

Baby size: An English hothouse cucumber- 14 inches and 2 pounds! Getting bigger and bigger, which can be seen by my ever growing belly!

Toes: They're getting harder and harder to see every day.

Gender: BABY GIRL!

Movement: She keeps moving and flipping, but I can tell it's getting harder for her to move. I'm beginning to notice a pattern to her movements as well.

Cravings: Food. Please. Food. I just need food! My sweet tooth has picked up, though it could be because there are so many yummy sweet treats that are fall-iscious.

Aversions: I've tried chicken, and it's okay...still not my favorite though.

Nausea/Morning sickness: No more! Just tired now, and constantly out of breath. Round ligament pain, itchy and stretchy skin, heartburn, acid re-flux, some slight dizziness, and hip and back pain, but nothing to complain about :) Also, I'm beginning to experience Braxton Hicks contractions.

Maternity clothes: Yes yes and yes. I love them. I'm definitely one of those women who is proud to wear my maternity pants. They're just too comfortable to pass up.

Best moment of the week: Your daddy got to really feel you kick this week. It was a very special moment and I was so happy that he could experience just a little bit of what I feel many times throughout the day.

What I'm looking forward to: The Apple Festival this weekend with dear friends! I'm so excited to get out and enjoy this cool weather. 

I feel like recently my stomach has grown exponentially. And I'm loving it! I mean there's no denying I'm pregnant with this little basketball belly. Of course, I know I'm only going to get bigger from here, but I welcome it. I love my ever-growing belly. It's fun to dress up, and it shocked me when I went to put on one of my "small" t-shirts and it barely covered my stomach! Once again, I love it!!

The Life Of Faith

My Joy-Filled Life

01 October 2012

25 Weeks!

How far along: 25 weeks 

Trimester: Last month of the Second Trimester!!!

Baby size: Average rutabaga - 13 inches and 2 pounds! Getting bigger and bigger, which can be seen by my ever growing belly!

Toes: They're getting harder and harder to see every day.

Gender: BABY GIRL!

Movement: She keeps moving and flipping, but I can tell it's getting harder for her to move. Things must be getting tighter in there!

Cravings: Food. Please. Food. I just need food! My sweet tooth has picked up, though it could be because there are so many yummy sweet treats that are fall-iscious.

Aversions: I've tried chicken, and it's okay...still not my favorite though.

Nausea/Morning sickness: No more! Just tired now, and constantly out of breath. Round ligament pain, itchy and stretchy skin, heartburn, some slight dizziness, and hip and back pain, but nothing to complain about :)

Maternity clothes: Yes yes and yes. I love them. I'm definitely one of those women who is proud to wear my maternity pants. They're just too comfortable to pass up.

Best moment of the week: We had another doctor's appointment and everything checked out well! Also, it's now more apparent that there's a baby in my belly. It's like BOOM in your face! Haha. I love it!! And it's now big enough to rest my cups and things on, which comes in handy :)

What I'm looking forward to: Finishing the nursery! Now that I know what we're having, nesting has kicked in full force.  The crib is up, but that's about it.

The Life Of Faith

24 September 2012

24 Weeks!!

How far along: 24 weeks 

Trimester: Last month of the Second Trimester!!!

Baby size: Ear of corn - a foot long and over a pound and a half!

Toes: They're getting harder and harder to see every day.

Gender: BABY GIRL!

Movement: Baby is wriggling around like crazy and getting stronger! We can now see her moving and kicking!

Cravings: Food. Please. Food. I just need food! My sweet tooth has picked up, though it could be because there are so many yummy sweet treats that are fall-iscious.

Aversions: I've tried chicken, and it's okay...still not my favorite though.

Nausea/Morning sickness: No more! Just tired now, and constantly out of breath. Round ligament pain, itchy and stretchy skin, heartburn, some slight dizziness, and back pain, but nothing to complain about :)

Maternity clothes: Yes yes and yes. I love them. I'm definitely one of those women who is proud to wear my maternity pants. They're just too comfortable to pass up.

Best moment of the week: Spending the weekend with Jo's "aunts." We had a fun time with just us girls.

What I'm looking forward to: Finishing the nursery! Now that I know what we're having, nesting has kicked in full force.  The crib is up, but that's about it.

Mommy Moments Blog Hop

16 September 2012

23 Weeks!

How far along: 23 weeks 

Trimester: Last month of the Second Trimester!!!

Baby size: Mango - 11 inches long and over a pound!

Toes: They're getting harder and harder to see every day.

Gender: BABY GIRL!

Movement: Baby is wriggling around like crazy and getting stronger! We can now see her moving and kicking!

Cravings: Food. Please. Food. I just need food!

Aversions: I'm warming up to chicken, as long as it's fried. Good southern fried chicken does sound good at the moment.

Nausea/Morning sickness: No more! Just tired now, and constantly out of breath. Round ligament pain, itchy and stretchy skin, heartburn, some slight dizziness, and back pain, but nothing to complain about :)

Maternity clothes: Yes yes and yes. I love them. I'm definitely one of those women who is proud to wear my maternity pants. They're just too comfortable to pass up.

Best moment of the week: This fall weather! The leaves are changing and the breeze is cooling things off! Also, getting out and hiking. It felt good to go for a walk and just enjoy being outside. 

What I'm looking forward to: Finishing the nursery! Now that I know what we're having, nesting has kicked in full force.  The crib is up, but that's about it.

Mommy Moments Blog Hop

10 September 2012

22 Weeks!

How far along: 22 weeks 

Trimester: Last month of the Second Trimester!!!

Baby size: Spaghetti Squash - 11 inches and I have a feeling she's well over a pound.

Toes: They're getting harder and harder to see every day.

Gender: BABY GIRL!

Movement: Baby is wriggling around like crazy! But I'm not complaining, I'm loving it! I just can't wait until I can start seeing her move! 

Cravings: Food. Please. Food. I just need food!

Aversions: I'm warming up to chicken, as long as it's fried. Good southern fried chicken does sound good at the moment.

Nausea/Morning sickness: No more! Just tired now, and constantly out of breath. Round ligament pain, itchy and stretchy skin, heartburn, some slight dizziness, and back pain, but nothing to complain about :)

Maternity clothes: Yes yes and yes. I love them. I'm definitely one of those women who is proud to wear my maternity pants. They're just too comfortable to pass up.

Best moment of the week: UGA FOOTBALL!!!!!!!!!! But more seriously, the weather has officially cooled down! It's been so much easier on this pregnant and prone-to-being-incredibly-hot body. Fall is officially here and that means just one more season until this baby girl gets here!!

What I'm looking forward to: Finishing the nursery! Now that I know what we're having, nesting has kicked in full force.  The crib is up, but that's about it. 


03 September 2012

21 Weeks and Gender Reveal!

How far along: 21 weeks 

Trimester: Second

Baby size: Carrot - 10 1/2 inches long and according to the last ultrasound weighs 14 ounces (we've got a fat baby!)

Toes: They're getting harder and harder to see every day.

Gender: BABY GIRL!

Movement: Baby is wriggling around like crazy! But I'm not complaining, I'm loving it!

Cravings: Food. Please. Food. I just need food!

Aversions: I still don't like chicken, but really it doesn't matter. I just want food nowadays, maybe that's why we've got a little chunk! 

Nausea/Morning sickness: No more! Just tired now, and constantly out of breath. Round ligament pain, itchy and stretchy skin, heartburn, and some slight dizziness, but nothing to complain about :)

Maternity clothes: Yes yes and yes. I love them. I'm definitely one of those women who is proud to wear my maternity pants. They're just too comfortable to pass up.

Best moment of the week: Finding out the gender and sharing the news with our family! It was awesome having them all in one place when we told them our news. Now just for her to get here!

What I'm looking forward to: Finishing the nursery! Now that I know what we're having, nesting has kicked in full force. My goal is to get the crib set up today so I can work on the smaller details and the cutesy stuff.

Here's a quick photo snapped at the reveal. Everyone was so excited and I was so nervous when we opened that box. Even though I knew what was inside, I still had butterflies. But everyone is so excited. I'll have more pictures documenting the day later. One of my best friends is an amazing photographer and so she captured it all for us. I can't wait to see the pictures and share them all!


27 August 2012

20 Weeks!

How far along: 20 weeks (HALFWAY THERE!!)

Trimester: Second

Baby size: Banana - 6 1/2 inches!

Toes: They're getting harder and harder to see every day.

Gender: We find out Thursday!!

Movement: Baby is wriggling around like crazy! But I'm not complaining, I'm loving it!

Cravings: Food. Please. Food. I just need food!

Aversions: Slowly fading away! Now I just want to eat all the time.

Nausea/Morning sickness: No more! Just tired now, and constantly out of breath. Round ligament pain, itchy and stretchy skin, heartburn, and some slight dizziness, but nothing to complain about :)

Maternity clothes: Yes yes and yes. I love them. I'm definitely one of those women who is proud to wear my maternity pants. They're just too comfortable to pass up.

Best moment of the week: Feeling those little flutters!

What I'm looking forward to: Ultrasound on Thursday! We get to find out if you're a little boy or girl!! And gender reveal on Sunday! I'm so excited to share the news with the family!

Apparently I'm really popping out. People are really taking notice. Even my students are noticing and asking questions. It's fun to see their eyes get big when they ask "Are you having a baby?" I just smile and say yes. One girl then went on to say "You're having a baby now?!" I just laughed and said "Not right now." Oh kids. They're adorable. This was after I was told that I had fluffy elbows. I don't know what that means exactly, but can I blame that on the pregnancy as well? I do love my kids and listening to their silly little antics. I can't wait to see what our little one comes up with. It's going to be interesting! Don't forget to vote on if you think it's a boy or a girl!


21 August 2012

19 Weeks!


How far along: 19 weeks 

Trimester: Second

Baby size: Mango - 6 inches!!

Toes: I can still see them! I have proof!

Gender: Find out at in 1 week!!!!

Movement: Best feeling ever! The hubs felt kicks for the first time too! I love being able to share that with him!

Cravings: Food. Please. Food.

Aversions: Slowly fading away! Now I just want to eat all the time.

Nausea/Morning sickness: No more! Just tired now, and constantly out of breath. Round ligament pain, itchy and stretchy skin, heartburn, and leg cramps have found their way into the picture though.

Maternity clothes: Yes yes and yes. I love them. I'm definitely one of those women who is proud to wear my maternity pants. They're just too comfortable to pass up.

Best moment of the week: Feeling those little flutters!

What I'm looking forward to: Ultrasound next Thursday!!

Second week back at work and I'm slowly building up stamina. The stairs are killing me though. I get winded easily. But that's to be expected and I'm okay with it. I love this pregnancy. Sometimes I'm exhausted and sometimes I complain, but I'm loving being pregnant! Absolutely loving it. Don't forget to vote on what you think we're having!! Boy or girl?!


13 August 2012

18 Weeks!

How far along: 18 weeks 

Trimester: Second

Baby size: Bell Pepper - 5.5 inches

Toes: I can still see them! It's getting harder though!

Gender: Find out at the end of the month :( The doctor wants to wait until we're fully 20 weeks.

Movement: Best feeling ever! I just wish I could feel it more often! And the hubs can't wait until he can feel it too!

Cravings: Food. Please. Food.

Aversions: Slowly fading away! Now I just want to eat all the time.

Nausea/Morning sickness: No more! Just tired now, and constantly out of breath.

Maternity clothes: Yes yes and yes. I tried the whole use a rubber band to keep your pants on thing and it's not going to fly for this pregnant chick.

Best moment of the week: Feeling those little flutters and sharing my excitement with my coworkers!

What I'm looking forward to: Sharing your kicks with daddy, hopefully he'll get to feel them soon and planning for your gender reveal party! 

This week has been filled with going back to work. I am exhausted and all I feel like sleeping the instant I get home. I'm praying some sense of routine will fall into place and I'll get used to this new schedule. Bedtime right now is around 9, sometimes earlier depending on the day. Then the alarm clock calls at 5 in the morning. Repeat. Is it the weekend yet? Haha 

OH! And I got a new haircut. I apologize for the mess that I am. I spent all day on my feet in utter craziness (cheers to the first week of school!).


07 August 2012

17 Weeks!

How far along: 17 weeks 

Trimester: Second

Baby size: Onion

Toes: I can still see them!

Gender: Find out hopefully next week!

Movement: Best feeling ever! I just wish I could feel it more often! And the hubs can't wait until he can feel it too!

Cravings: Pizza please, garlic bread, hello carbs

Aversions: Slowly fading away! Now I just want to eat all the time.

Nausea/Morning sickness: No more! Just tired now, and constantly out of breath.

Maternity clothes: Yes yes and yes. I tried the whole use a rubber band to keep your pants on thing and it's not going to fly for this pregnant chick.

Best moment of the week: Feeling those little flutters and sharing my excitement with my coworkers!

What I'm looking forward to: The doctor's appointment tomorrow and hopefully sonogram next week and gender reveal party!! I'm so excited to find out what we're having!

My belly button has been changing too! It's been funny to watch. Also, I can feel my skin stretching, especially after a big meal. Can you say weird?! And it's making my skin itch! But I'm trying to keep moisturizing and keep those stretch marks at bay. If they do come though, I will welcome them. They're for a good cause. My breasts are also getting bigger, which means itching and pain. Oh my word they hurt! It's all for a good cause though, right? I just keep telling myself that. Everything for the best cause ever! I can't wait to meet my baby!


31 July 2012

16 Weeks!

How far along: 16 weeks (AHH!)

Trimester: Second

Baby size: Avocado

Toes: I can still see them!

Gender: Find out in a couple of weeks!

Movement: I'm beginning to feel little flutters every once in a while! I can't wait to feel more! It's such an amazing feeling!

Cravings: Milk and cheese, lots of cheese

Aversions: They're slowly fading away, thank goodness!

Nausea/Morning sickness: It's going away! Thank goodness.  It'll hit at night once in a blue moon, but I'm thankful for the break!

Maternity clothes: Been wearing them for weeks and not ashamed, they are so comfortable!

Best moment of the week: Feeling those little flutters!

What I'm looking forward to: Finishing up that crib and doctor's visit next week! I can't wait to set up our ultrasound and to see the little guy/gal again!

I'm at 16 weeks! I can't believe it at all! It keeps hitting me about how far along I am and how each day brings us one step closer to meeting our baby. Every time I look down I smile. My belly keeps getting bigger and bigger and I love it! I'm getting more and more excited each and every day! All I know is God is good and I can't wait to meet the little one He has blessed us with!!


22 July 2012

15 weeks :)

How far along: 15 weeks

Trimester: Second

Baby size: Navel Orange

Toes: I can still see them!

Gender: Find out in a month hopefully!

Movement: Maybe?! I don't know, but I think so!

Cravings: Milk and cheese, lots of cheese

Aversions: Depends on the day

Nausea/Morning sickness: It still hits me every once in a while, but it's not too bad. I've just gotta watch myself and not push myself or I get a headache, and worse a migraine.

Maternity clothes: Been wearing them for weeks and not ashamed, they are so comfortable!

Best moment of the week: I'm finally getting my energy back!

What I'm looking forward to: Spray painting that crib!

