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22 July 2012

15 weeks :)

How far along: 15 weeks

Trimester: Second

Baby size: Navel Orange

Toes: I can still see them!

Gender: Find out in a month hopefully!

Movement: Maybe?! I don't know, but I think so!

Cravings: Milk and cheese, lots of cheese

Aversions: Depends on the day

Nausea/Morning sickness: It still hits me every once in a while, but it's not too bad. I've just gotta watch myself and not push myself or I get a headache, and worse a migraine.

Maternity clothes: Been wearing them for weeks and not ashamed, they are so comfortable!

Best moment of the week: I'm finally getting my energy back!

What I'm looking forward to: Spray painting that crib!




  1. I've been getting migraines too! They are awful since there is nothing we can do about them!

    1. I try to sleep them off, but they seem to last forever. I find that a small cup of coffee and 1 Tylenol will do the trick. I hate drinking the caffeine and taking the medicine, but it's either that or suffer.

  2. You look great! Thanks for linking up with Mommy Moments:)

  3. Aww, such a sweet letter to baby! Hopefully you'll feel movement soon, my husband just felt our baby move for the first time around 19 weeks. :)

  4. Congrats! New follower from Mommy Moments. Love for you to stop by and return the follow when you can.

    Also hosting Mom's Monday Mingle. Love to have you!
