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11 January 2012

Wifely Wednesdays

The hubs and I have been married for two years now, and we are still learning about each other. Last year, we took the plunge and bought our first house (after living with my parents for awhile until we found a place). So we've spent the past year making this house a home.

Now we have very different tastes. Hubs enjoys all things neutral, and I enjoy all things color (lots of it). He, of course, was a gentleman and let me pick out a lot of the colors. We only debated a little bit, but in the end we learned to compromise. I think we're both very happy with what we chosen in the end. Now that we've lived here in the house for a year, I'm ready for another change and some more paint. Hubs has something to say about that though, "It's not gonna happen." If I had my way, I'd change things around about once a month, that's just my nature. I like to keep things moving and different and spontaneous. Unfortunately, hubs likes to keep things simple and the same. Polar opposites. It helps that we don't have the money for me to change things around all the time, otherwise hubs would come home daily to changes. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love the way my house looks and the paint scheme we've already chosen, I just see things places *coughpinterestcough* and I want to change some things up. But I do love my house and I'm enjoying making it a home alongside with the one I love.

Making this house a home continually opens new things for hubs and I to discover about each other and ourselves. One question always reigns in my head, am I being a helper or an obstacle? My husband is an amazing man and encouragement and I've loved seeing him grow at home and in life. And I've been looking and discovering what my role is as a working wife with a home. I've always been a working wife, but we haven't had a home of our own before. Hubs is working so hard providing for me, keeping us above water, and making it possible to grow our family (eventually). So I now have to focus on, am I being his helper or his obstacle when it comes to things.

So here is to our continuing journey of discovering living life with each other and creating our dream home.


I'm trying to figure out how to upload this pictures and post them in an organized matter, but I'm having no luck with it! Any tips?

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