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Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts

25 June 2012

What the Woodys do for Father's Day

That big gray blob thing is the dogs crate. We had to block his view so he wouldn't bark at everything that moved in the night.

The hubs has been begging me to go camping with him. In the 4.5 years we've been together (dating 2, married 2.5) I can't begin to count the number of times he's asked. Always, I've said no. I know, a real Debby Downer. For the life of me I really don't know why I said no. I'm pretty sure that while we were dating it was the logistics of the whole thing, but now that we've been married, I've guess I've just been a party pooper.

Well this year I decided to surprise him with a camping trip for Father's Day weekend. I use the term "surprise" lightly. I couldn't really just up and say, "hey we're going camping today." I kinda needed him to help get things ready and seeing as he's the camper of the family he knew what we needed while I just went along with it. 

So reservations were made. Bags were packed. Liberty was stowed at the parent's house. Hank was loaded in his kennel. And off we went. Note that "off we went" was at 8:00pm Friday. We had roughly an hour and a half drive to get to the camping site and the park closed at around 9:30. I was panicked. The hubs was trying his best to get there as fast as we could, without over doing it of course. We really wanted to beat the sunset. Ha. Even though complete sunset around here is 9ish we knew were pushing it.

Good news is, we made it. And we weren't even the last ones checking in the for the night! Talk about pushing it to the last minute though. Things were getting close. But we found our site, got everything unloaded and went straight to sleep. Or tried to sleep. You see, we had the bright idea of bringing our dog Hank with us (Liberty had to stay at my parent's house because she's too old to make the trip). Well. He decided to bark at us. For hours. Okay. Really it wasn't that long. It just felt like it. So we had to finagle something where we put his kennel under the tarp right next to the tent so he could "see" us as we were sleeping. Spoiled dog with separation anxiety...

We soon learned the ball was not our friend and conveniently "lost" this item. 

Nothing beats percolated coffee heated up on a camp grill.  

Very attractive hubs, very attractive.

It wouldn't have been a trip without my traditional "feet" picture. 

First time for Hank in the water! He loved it!

Watching his daddy fish. In true Woody fashion, we caught all of nothing. Not a bite all weekend long. It could be because that yellow thing kept jumping in the water.

The hubs trying to convince Hank to actually swim in the water instead of just paddle around in the waves. He wasn't having any of it.

It was the perfect weekend with the perfect weather. We couldn't have asked for anything more!

All in all the trip was a success and it's a new tradition. Camping for father's day! I think the hubs is pleased with the idea. I know I am! Especially if we can find a pop-up trailer for next year. ;)

21 June 2012

Wish Lists

Summer is here and that means I get to spend countless hours at the house. This brings along plenty of day dreaming, which brings along a wish list of things I would like to do around the house before big changes take place (more on that later on). 

On the list:

  • Change all the doors so that they match. Right now we have 4 doors that are the same and 1 that's the odd man out. I like the odd man out and want all the other ones to match.
  • Replace the toilet in the guest bathroom. We, aka the hubs, has done everything he possibly could to fix this stupid toilet. But no matter what, we've replaced everything, it still runs constantly. I'm so tired of jiggling the stupid handle!
  • Move the laundry room to the main floor. I hate, hate having it in the basement. I'm done lugging load after load up and down the stairs. Stupid laundry room in the basement that will probably always remain in the basement.
  • Repaint. Hahaha. The hubs would kill me if I repainted. 
  • New front door. Our front door is ugly! I want one with a window in it. Something that will let in some light in that dark corner. Or at least something with a peephole in it. Now whenever someone comes to the door I have to try to peek out the window without being seen. Yeah. It's not fun.
This is just the short list. Will any of it get done? Of course not! That's why I'm calling this a "wish list." Something for me to dream about and play around with, but not something that I ever expect to really get done. 

20 June 2012

My Guilty Pleasure

The Bachelorette. This week was rather entertaining. The whole Scotland thing in Croatia. Come on, if you wanted to play the highland games, actually do it in Scotland! It's not like it wouldn't be hard. Did anybody else find that a little odd? I know I did.

I can honestly say I am glad to see Ryan go. At first I liked him. Then I got a little worried. The more he spoke, the more worried I became. The whole "trophy wife" thing killed it for me. And I think it killed it for Emily as well.

I'm really starting to like Emily though. The way she stood up to Kalon/Chopper/whatever his name was last week sealed the deal for me. I didn't mind watching her go all "backwoods West Virginia" on his behind. 

Apparently there's drama next week involving Arie. Not too worried there. I'm pretty sure he's the one she ends up with. That whole racing thing just ties them together. Of course I wouldn't mind if she chose Sean. I really like him. He seems like a really good and decent guy. I don't know. Those are my top two. We'll see who she goes for. I'm trying my best not to go searching for spoilers. I will make it through this season. Last season I had to go and see who won Ben's heart. This time I will last. I must.

01 June 2012

Send Something Good

My package arrived the day before we left for Disney. I was so excited to receive it! Thank you so much Shelby @ Sweetness In Starlight! You did well!! Let me just say, I LOVE Chicago. My father is from there and it's been years since I've gotten to go to the windy city. I hope to go back one day! Those gluten free cookies were amazing! I tried not to eat them all at once, but boy was it hard! They were so good! 

For my Something Good partner I had Deona @ My photography skills lacked before I shipped her package and therefore I don't have pictures. Life was crazy! Life is crazy! But that's for another post at another time ;) 

25 May 2012

I'm back

School's out! Summer is here! Beach here I come! Beach I wish I was coming to you! 

But now I'm back to the blogging world. Sorry for my hiatus. It's been a crazy few weeks! But don't worry, I'm back and will be sharing my Disney Adventures with everyone shortly! 

04 May 2012

Why my work is cooler than yours...

Today we were visited by...

Her name is Bayroo (short for baby kangaroo) and she is 6 months old.

I call him Llama Llama and he is my friend.

Hello Camel, cheese for the camera.

And my favorite...

Meet Mary Jane, the Spider Monkey. She likes me. We're bffs.

Yeah. I'd say my work is cooler than yours. At least today it was.

01 May 2012


Finally, I get to sit still for two seconds and breathe.
Finally, I get to catch up on life online (not the kind of online life that I can only see at work).
Finally, we're down to single digits in the Disney trip countdown (7 days baby!).
Finally, we're in the last month of school.

It's been a whirlwind two weeks. Last week I made the trip to South Carolina to visit my grandparents and get my teeth cleaned, my {Eric's} grandmother was in the hospital {no worries, she just has bronchitis, better safe than sorry when it comes to her and respiratory infections}, we had a principals brunch that I was in charge of decorating, some co-workers and I through a baby shower for a former co-worker {the same one I took pictures for two weeks ago}, I had two photography sessions this past Saturday, I worked at church Sunday, yesterday I had to take my car to the shop, and today I had to pick up said car and get the oil changed in the Tahoe. It's been a crazy past two weeks and I don't know if I've sat still long enough to gather my thoughts. On top of it all, we've got a wedding shower for another co-worker tomorrow and the last part of CRCT testing {which I'm proctoring} tomorrow. It's insane.

As you can tell by the random ramblings of my brain. I don't know if I'm capable of putting two coherent sentences together. 

The inside of my grandparent's farm house. I love this place.

The hubs and I got married on top of that hill.

My future home aka my grandparent's farmhouse. 

The centerpieces I did for the luncheon. Unfortunately I forgot my camera and had to settle with phone pictures.

26 April 2012

13 more

I feel as if I've fallen off the face of the blog-o-sphere world. Things have been absolutely insane around here and I haven't had time to fully catch my breath. Even as I type this I don't really have time to be typing. There are so many other little things that need to be done and I just don't know where all the time has gone. 

But I'm here. Taking a deep breath before I jump back into the water and try to hold my head up. I'll let you know how it went come the end of May. 13 more days until Disney. 1 more month of school.  I can do this. Right?

This is what I'm setting my sights on right now. The light at the end of the tunnel. My reward.
13 more days.

Isn't it beautiful?

23 April 2012

One of those days

Ever had one of those days where there really isn't much going on, but whatever is going on isn't going well. Yeah. That's been my day. And it makes me nervous. Things better start picking up before all craziness that comes with the last month of school breaks loose. T minus 22 [school] days and counting until the last day of school and 16 days until Disney. 

So in honor of my not so great, one-of-those-days day we're having cheesy squash casserole and grilled salmon. Yum.

Here's a picture from the sunflower farm I went to a couple of years ago. They really do make me happy when skies are gray. 

Okay. I'm done procrastinating. Now to clean my house which feels like it's been neglected for the past 3 months [not a true fact, but it's just how I feel].

18 April 2012

Wednesdays are for dreaming

It's raining cats and dogs outside as I sit here in my closet at work. Perfect weather for staying at home in bed all day. But work calls, so I must answer. Nevertheless, I'm dreaming of being at home with a nice hot cup of tea steaming in one hand and a good book in the other with the window open listening to the rain beating on a tin roof and feeling the cool wind.

Of course, if I were to spend an entire day reading and relaxing in bed, I'd want to change some things up. So inevitably I would be dreaming of how to "better" our room and spruce it up. I've seen so many cute things online that I've caught the "nesting" bug once again [darn you Pinterest]. Really I've caught the "organizing and spring cleaning" bug. If only I could find catch the "energy" and "money" bugs as well. Hopefully I'll get something accomplished today. It's the hubs "long day" for work so I'll have more time to keep myself occupied. I just hope the energy will come. With this rain though, there are no guarantees.

So I'll just dream, and maybe eventually my dreams will become reality.

Untitled #1

master bedroom

Basically I am wanting to add color and texture to my room. Right now it is BO.ring and leaning slightly toward depressing. I'm ready to jazz it up with some fun color and texture [especially that bright floral print pillow. I'm in love!]

17 April 2012

Time to Rave Rodan + Fields Style; Part 1

I'll start off with what I'm using right now: 
UNBLEMISH Skin Care by Rodan + Fields 
is nothing short of amazing.

"Breakouts? Unpredictable? Unreasonable? Unfair? Take control with our UNBLEMISH Regimen. Clinically proven to combat the entire acne cycle, this sophisticated regimen helps unclog pores, clears breakouts and calms your complexion to keep pimples, blackheads and post-acne marks from making an unwelcome appearance on your face—and in your life."

I'm seriously loving this stuff. I mean really. Recently I went off my acne medicine (aka birth control [long other story]) and was looking for something to keep this beloved annoying acne at bay. I had heard about Unblemish by Rodan + Fields from my friend - now sponsor - and wanted to try it. Now that I have I can't stop going on about it! I'm loving this product! For someone who has not only struggled with acne for most of my life (it's gotten worse the older I've gotten) but also with oily skin, this stuff has changed my life.

A complete set of Unblemish carries 4 different products. Which means 4 different steps.

Step 1:  UNBLEMISH Acne Treatment Sulfur Wash - unclogs pores and reduces redness; calms the
Step 2: Clarifying Toner - cleans pores and prepares skin for treatment; clears the skin
Step 3:  UNBLEMISH Dual Intensive Acne Treatment - dual chamber delivery system, kills bacteria 
            and stops breakouts; prevents the skin from breaking out
Step 4: UNBLEMISH Oil Control Lotion SPF 20 - Controls oiliness as it protects against UV rays that 
            intensify post-acne marks and uneven skin tone; protects the skin

I love my UNBLEMISH Acne Treatment. I've honestly never been one to actually want to wear makeup, in fact, it wasn't until recently (aka when I actually started working a real job, so like two years ago) that I actually started wearing make-up on a daily basis. And then I wore make-up because I felt that I needed to and because my skin was so oily! Then a few months ago I stopped my medicine. Hello breakouts. I needed something and I needed something that worked and worked well. So when I heard that the doctors who created Proactiv had a new skin care line I got interested. When I heard they had created a skin care line for adult acne I really got interested. So I talked to my friend - now sponser - who was selling it and I got UNBLEMISH and I've fallen in love (you see I can't say it enough!). I've been using this product for a little over a month now and I can totally see the difference in my skin! I can honestly say that I can walk out of my house with only eye-liner and mascara on and feel completely confident! I seriously love this stuff!

16 April 2012


A while ago I had posted something about a schedule to help me keep up with cleaning. It hasn't happened. I don't know what happened but something has. Life has gotten in the way. I don't know exactly what part of life, so that makes the excuse "life happened" kinda lame. So in attempts to pick up the slack, I'm going to jump back on the horse and start with my schedule again (if only I can find it). 

On another note: I got my person to "send something good" to!! I'm so excited to get "to know" this person and come up with little goodies to send to them! But this is a secret so that's all I'm going to say for now. Oh. And I can't wait until I find out who mine is!

Here's to another week of work. Only 22 days until DISNEY!

And here's a sneak peak from the photo shoot that the hubs and I did Saturday taken by my amazing friend Hannah! Not only is she an awesome photographer but also an A.MA.ZING writer! A girl of many talents I tell ya.

13 April 2012

Hello Friday

It's very nice to see you. You came slower than I expected, but nonetheless, you have arrived. Now for the weekend. I will spend the weekend with my love and my best friends. It will be filled with fun, laughter, and lots of photography. So here's to to the fun. The laughs. And the weekend. I leave you with this awesome video from these amazing doctors.

Ready for a change? Check this out!
Skin. It's a beautiful thing. Wear it well.

10 April 2012

Out of the zone...

The comfort zone that is. I get nervous about contacting people and asking them questions and things. Which is weird, because I can appear really loud and outgoing. But really just with my friends. They help me conquer those "awkward and shy" feelings. I always get those butterflies when it comes to me having to approach someone new or do something new. 

But it's time for me to step out. I'm going to conquer these fears and I'm going to do it without my friends standing beside me.

Kaitlyn from itsavirtueGentri Lee from gentrilee, and Kristy from gastronomicalsovereignty have joined forces and started round 2 of Send Something Good [formerly known as Package Pals]. What this involves is a round robin of gift giving sorts. I'll let Gentri Lee explain what's going on:

"I couldn't be more excited about this project. It's going to be a blast! But before I get into that, I want to explain where it came from... Some of you may have heard of a little project called "Package Pals". Last fall a blogger from Germany and myself exchanged packages. They were filled with our favorite treats - treats the other blogger had always wanted to try from our own country, plus some other goodies that were specific to our country. When I posted about it on my blog, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. 

The reaction was AMAZING! Everyone wanted their own package pal. So the very next day, Package Pals was born. Over 50 bloggers signed up, I gave them partners, asked them to get to know each other, and then send a box filled with goodies. I was blown away by the creativity. People sent items like: Fry Sauce- a Utah favorite, Sea Shells from the California Coast, Seeds from the state flower of Michigan, home made Maple Syrup from Canada, and so much more! We all had such a great time and everyone couldn't wait for the next round... 

But I was exhausted. It was no easy task, there were bumps along the way, and now that I am in school, I do not have the time it takes to organize another round. A month or so ago I received an email from Kaitlyn. She and Kristy had both participated in the first round, knew my dilemma of not having time (or the technical skills) to pull it off myself again, and had a lot of great and new ideas of how to run it this next time around. 

I was THRILLED, and "Package Pals" become the "Send Something Good" project! (Lets face it, Package Pals wasn't the best name to begin with. haha! Remember, I brought this project to life in less than 24 hrs) They both have the exact qualities and abilities to make this project be what I know it can be. So with new ideas, direction, and a fresh new name, "Send Something Good" is ready to launch! A big thank you to Kaitlyn and Kristy, this wouldn't be happening without them. 

It's going to be a little different this time around. Instead of having a "partner" it's going to be round robin. Everyone will have a different blogger that they're assigned to "get to know" kind of like a secret sister. Read their blog, find out their interests, email back and forth, but don't tell them WHY. When shopping for your blogger, take into account not only their interests, but things that are specific to your area of the world. 

This project is ALL about bringing us together, making friends all over the world, and learning something new about somewhere you've never been. This doesn't require you to spend a lot of money. Get personal in what you include in your package. Maybe a favorite book that you don't mind passing on, a necklace you made, a package of seeds from your favorite flower, or a friendship bracelet! You also don't have to have a blogger from a different country. I know that can get expensive. So just specify your preference when you sign up. 

To sign up, read the fine print below, and then email sendsomethinggood2012(at)gmail(dot)com. you are also welcome to purchase send something good products from Kaitlyn's shoppe at 20% off with the discount code SENDSOMETHINGGOOD. They're the perfect addition to your "Send Something Good" package. :) The first week will be the best time to purchase, it might not reach you in time if you wait. This is going to be an AMAZING project, I can FEEL it! Don't forget to spread the word!"

So what this means is that I have to get to know someone I don't know. Befriend them. Learn their likes. Their dislikes. Buy them gifts and send them to them. All while someone else is doing the same thing with me. We don't know who each other are or who each other could be. It's fun and exciting and I'm scared to death. I have no idea why I am though, but that doesn't change the fact that there are nervous butterflies inhabiting my stomach as I type this. But I'm going to stick with it. I'm excited about it. I really am. And I'm going to conquer these irrational fears that I'm having. This is going to be fun and exciting and I can't wait to see what happens!

Life on Tuesday

I've had the hardest time convincing myself it's only Tuesday today. For some reason I wanted to say Wednesday It proved for a very long and confusing day. I didn't enjoy it at all. I've got an event Thursday, and I kept telling those who are helping with it that it was tomorrow. No. It's not tomorrow. It's Thursday. Tomorrow is Wednesday. I have repeated that fact to myself time after time today. Oh well. Eventually I'll get it right.

And boy do I need to get my days straight. I've got a busy week this week and I can't go confusing my days. 

Tonight for instance, the hubs has small group. Tomorrow, I've got a meeting for church. Thursday I have two meetings about Rodan + Fields. Friday I have another meeting about taking pictures for a friend. Busy, busy week.

The good news is, I love busy weeks. Busy weeks make the time go by so much faster for summer. 32 days and counting. I love summer and spending time in the sun. But spending time in the sun means I need a good sunscreen. Luckily  Rodan + Fields has a fantastic sunscreen, along with other wonderful products [but that's for another post]. Right now though I am offering a special for a free sunscreen. If you're interested in the sunscreen special leave me a comment with your email and I'll send you some info!

life from under a rock

One thing I love about social network online is the ability to learn about new music. Now, I'm a country girl at heart. I love country music. Anytime. Any day. Give me some George Strait any day and I'm a happy girl. But as I wander around the blog-o-sphere world, I start "hearing" about other bands that are foreign to me. So my curiosity takes over and immediately I jump over to Pandora and plug in a new band or singer. One that I probably wouldn't have heard of in my little country, no television, only internet world. Of course people would think that "if you have the internet you why haven't you already heard of these bands?" But one can't look for what one doesn't know.

For the past couple of days, while living in my closet at work, I have been entertained by the Fleet Foxes. I learned about them over here on tales of me and the husband. They have provided me with the wonderful music I needed to get me through the day and the loneliness that is my closet. But, as many Pandora listeners know, Pandora doesn't just play music specific to the Fleet Foxes, they play music that "sounds like the Fleet Foxes." This then means I get to hear and learn about Mumford and Sons, James Yuill, and Bon Iver. Yes. For all those wondering, I've been living with my head under a rock.

I don't know how it happens, but I always seem to be the last to know about new and good music. It's been like that my entire life. I'm just now discovering many different and (who I assume to be) new artists. Artists that I really enjoy. Listening to their music is soothing to me. From what I've listened to so far, which is not a lot, I find everything to just be wonderful. I'm enjoying tapping my toe along with the rhythm while I wile away time on whatever I'm supposed to be doing at that point in time.

For now I'll leave you with the Fleet Foxes but if anyone has any musical suggestions, please feel free to share with me!

09 April 2012

I haven't seen you in ages...

Thank you Lady A for putting that song on repeat inside my head.

Last week was spring break. As you know from my post here. This morning it was back to work I go. I woke up at my normal time, went through the typical morning routine (shower, brush teeth, dress, make coffee, make lunch, drink coffee, kiss the hubs goodbye, try not to fall asleep while driving to know, the typical morning routine), made it to work, survived the morning without phones or bells, went through the day, found out we're losing 5 teachers due to allotments, took care of my mom's dog, went grocery shopping, rested/updated the blog design (I get bored easily, can you tell?), and now I'm updating while waiting on water to boil. Oh the joys of life. We're back to normal. 

But that was today.

Yesterday of course was Easter Sunday. It was a whirlwind of a day. We spent the night in Rome with the in-laws so that we wouldn't have to leave the house at 5 in the morning to make it for their annual sunrise service. It was a beautiful sunrise. Of course, I didn't have my camera. But it was beautiful, you can just take my word for it. 
Then it was off to our church. I had to serve in the nursery during the 9am service. It was such a blessing to spend the morning with precious little ones. I just love them. The hubs arrived for the 11am service and relieved me of my duties (also known as dragged me away). It was a wonderful service. It began with a beautiful rendition of Amazing Grace played on the saxophone. I'm still in awe of it. Then our pastor preached it. He is risen!
For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures 
(1 Corinthians 15:3, 4 NIVUK)
Next it was off to my parents for lunch. Ribs. Delish. I love ribs. Especially my dad's ribs. I drool over them and request them any chance I can get. 
We finished off the day at the hubs's grandmother's house (I guess she'd be the grandmother-in-law). We spent some more time with his parents, cousins, aunt, sister-in-law, and nieces. It was lovely. We had an egg hunt for the little ones, and all in all just enjoyed each other's company. 

I was exhausted by the time we got home, I wanted to immediately fall asleep. But I was a good girl and waited until "normal time" before I fell into my whims. 

Alas, I hear the water boiling. Time to finish cooking. I'll end this post with some of the pictures I did get over the weekend. We went strawberry picking. Yummy!

If you're interested in strawberry picking in north Georgia check out this link.

03 April 2012

A busy life is a good life.

Well. I guess that could be true. 
At least right now I'm busy right now and life is good. 
That's proof enough for me.

I'm on spring break at the moment, but the week leading up to spring break is what I like to have called my "hell week." It was a crazy week at school. I had a major event to prepare for and set up. It was crazy. But in the end it was a success. Parents and students alike had a wonderful time and that's all that matters in the end.

On the up side it's spring break. Thank goodness for spring break. I've spent the past two days organizing and cleaning our master bedroom. It's been left as is since we moved in over a year ago and it's been driving me absolutely bonkers. This spring break I've dedicated my time to fixing the mess that was created. So far I've cleaned out all my drawers, set aside a bag of clothes and things to go to Goodwill, put all my winter stuff away, reorganized my closet, and cleaned off all the unnecessary junk off the dressers and nightstands. And it's only Tuesday! I'm pumped with the progress. I'm just waiting on the hubs to clean out his drawers as well and we'll call it a day.

In other news, I have embarked on a new business venture! Ever heard of Proactiv Acne Solutions? Well, the doctors who created Proactiv have opened up a new anti-aging skin care line and I've partnered with them in selling their skin care line! So you're looking at the new independent consultant for Rodan + Fields! Let me tell you how excited I am about this new venture! It's going to be an awesome ride and I'm so happy to have jumped on the ride! Skin is always in style and these products are amazing! I say check these products out if you want to keep those pesky wrinkles at bay, if you are tired of those acne breakouts, or if you have sensitive skin! These products are amazing! I recommend checking it out yourself ;) Click on the picture to find out more!

21 March 2012

An honest post.

I love sunflowers. They make me happy when my skies are gray.

Some days it's stronger than others. 
That maternal yearn. 
I know I've talked about it before. 
The desire to be a mom. 

It's hard for me when I see friends who are expecting who either have been married for a shorter period of time than the hubs and I or aren't even married. I feel that awful pang of jealousy rising. I try to squelch it, but it's there. Don't get me wrong. I'm happy for them, I just wish I was in the same boat as they are. I want to be going through the same things that they are. And I get to thinking: "Why did God let them get pregnant and not me? Why did He bless them, but I'm still here waiting?" I struggle with this often. Sometimes it's not as much or obvious as other times, but it's always there. A little nagging in the back of my mind. I'm just ready to be pregnant. But it's not my time. As much as I want it to be it's not my time and it's not about "my time." It's about His time.

I have to trust that God's timing is perfect. He will give us children when the time is right. Just as He has provided for us in the past. He has not abandoned us. He is guiding us down His path. I just have to trust that for fact.

There's a different between knowing and trusting. I know that what I say is true. He has a perfect time for everything. Ecclesiastes 3:11 says "He has made everything beautiful in its time." In its time. Not in my time. It's such a difficult thing for me to accept! I try. I understand. I just don't trust and believe. I struggle with trusting and believing.

but His timing is perfect. 

I must trust that, as difficult as it is for me.

And until He does bless me with children, I can share the love I have with the children around me. They need love. Sometimes more than I realize. I just have to be conscious of what God is laying on my heart and trust Him to lead me where I need to go.

At the moment I feeling a tug at my heart. I don't know exactly what the tug is pulling me toward, but I'm doing my best to trust in God and follow His way.

19 March 2012

A hiking we will go.

Saturday the hubs and I went hiking for our date day. It was rather fun! We hiked probably around 6 miles. I am so sore! It was a beautiful day for a hike. Not too hot and not too cold. Just right. I did get a little sun burnt from the day. Who knew that I could get a sunburn in March! It's been crazy weather, but I do love it!