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28 September 2012

Friday's Letters

Dear Friday, I'm glad you're here. It's been a long week, sick week. Dear Weekend, Take your time. Please don't disappear too quickly. I need a nice long weekend. Dear Hubs,  You're amazing. Enough said. Dear Baby Girl, I love you so so much! You are kicking like crazy and I'm loving every minute of it! Dear UGA Football, Please don't make me stress out too much tomorrow. I'd like a nice, easily played game with a good and comfortable score. Dear Real Refs, Thank you so much for returning. Those wanna-be refs were embarrassing.

Grilled cheese and tomato soup, I'm loving it!



  1. aww... I miss baby kicks! But snuggling with a newborn is even better! Enjoy every second.

  2. Aw I miss those little kicks! I just had a baby girl in June :) Hope you have a great restful weekend!
