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03 December 2013

Thank you

Thank you everyone for your kind words yesterday. Today has been a rough day. I don't know what it is, but it's just been hard. I've allowed myself to cry multiple times. Sometimes you just need a good cry, and I have gotten my fair share over the past few days. 

I wanted those of you who may have experienced a miscarriage to know that you're not alone. You don't have to battle the hurt alone. Not only are there other women who have experienced this, but you have Jesus to comfort and hold you. That's something I have had to learn and accept.

I'll share more of my story later, but now I just wanted to say thank you for your kind words and prayers. They really do mean a lot to me.

02 December 2013

Two Pink Lines

It's amazing how quickly one can come attached to someone you've never met before. But the instant my eyes saw those two pink lines, I was in love.

It didn't take much at all. Just those two pink lines. I was over the moon ecstatic. I immediately told the hubs that "Bug was going to be a big sister!" We couldn't stop smiling. I was in love once again. My heart was expanding.

I wasn't worried about things at all, but things started off completely differently. I knew this pregnancy was going to be different than my first. My cravings were different, my aversions were different, everything was different. But I didn't expect anything of it.

That picture was taken just a little over three weeks ago. Everything was going smoothly. Until the Sunday before Thanksgiving. Everything was normal for the most part. I went to church, hung out with some cool kiddos, and then went to hang out with my family to celebrate an early Thanksgiving. 

It was at my parent's house that I started spotting. It scared me to death. This didn't happen with Bug. It started to get heavier, but never as bad a full blown period. I didn't know what to think, but I prepared myself for the worst.

Today we got word that I am no longer pregnant. It's heartbreaking. I cried a lot. The hubs has been my rock. He's been so strong during everything. I'm so thankful to have him in my life.

I don't know why I'm sharing this with you, but I felt it necessary. I want you to know that if you've gone through this, you're not alone. 

If you have any questions or anything about going through this, I'd be happy to answer them. 

I'm okay. I know my baby is with Jesus, and that's a far better place to be than down here on earth, though we would have loved to meet the little one. God had bigger plans for them as an angel, and I like to think that they're up there looking down on us and watching out for us. Our own little angel.

Mommy Moments Blog Hop!

Hey mamas!
Welcome back for another great week of Mommy Moments Link Ups! Thank you for linking up and for spreading the word last week! We love all of the great posts!

 This week's most viewed link belongs to Brittany from Sweet Country Roots and her post titled Why Wait? I personally loved this post on marriage and how God intended marriage to be such a wonderful thing! Brittany addresses the fact that many people brush marriage to the side thinking they have to wait until they are in their mid-twenties or whatever the culturally acceptable age is even when they may be sure they have found their match!

Now it's time to link up your posts! All you have to do is...

1. Follow Host: The Life Of Faith 
2. Link up your post!
Post can include anything related to mommy-hood, children, homemaking, pregnancy etc. If you aren't a mom yet, feel free to link up your preparation for motherhood, your journey as you try to conceive, or even a post that would be encouraging to the other moms in the party!

3. Add the Mommy Moments button to your post or blog so everyone knows where you are linking up!

4. Explore some of the other posts in the link-up and say hello to some new blog friends! 

5. Tweet or Share the link up on Facebook so we can all make even more friends!

The Life Of Faith
<div align="center"><a href="" title="The Life Of Faith"><img src="" alt="The Life Of Faith" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

P.S. We will be having a new guest host every week! Want to be a guest host of the Mommy Moments Blog Hop? Send Faith a message at farmprincess14{at}gmail{dot}com. We would love to have you!

24 November 2013

Mommy Moments Blog Hop!

Hey mamas!
Welcome back for another great week of Mommy Moments Link Ups! Thank you for linking up and for spreading the word last week! We love all of the great posts!

 This week's most viewed link belongs to our very own Alli from Beautiful Family Affairs and her well written post Raising a Princess in a Twerking World! As a mom of a daughter, this post definitely caught my eye too. Protecting our daughters is a team effort mamas!

Now it's time to link up your posts! All you have to do is...

1. Follow Host: The Life Of Faith 
2. Link up your post!
Post can include anything related to mommy-hood, children, homemaking, pregnancy etc. If you aren't a mom yet, feel free to link up your preparation for motherhood, your journey as you try to conceive, or even a post that would be encouraging to the other moms in the party!

3. Add the Mommy Moments button to your post or blog so everyone knows where you are linking up!

4. Explore some of the other posts in the link-up and say hello to some new blog friends! 

5. Tweet or Share the link up on Facebook so we can all make even more friends!

The Life Of Faith
<div align="center"><a href="" title="The Life Of Faith"><img src="" alt="The Life Of Faith" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

P.S. We will be having a new guest host every week! Want to be a guest host of the Mommy Moments Blog Hop? Send Faith a message at farmprincess14{at}gmail{dot}com. We would love to have you!

17 November 2013

Mommy Moments Blog Hop!

Hey mamas!
Welcome back for another great week of Mommy Moments Link Ups! Thank you for linking up and for spreading the word last week! We love all of the great posts!

 This week's most viewed link belongs to Becky from My Sweet Moose. Her post titled A Scream in the Night must have caught everyone's attention last week! Check out her post to find out what the scream was all about!

Now it's time to link up your posts! All you have to do is...

1. Follow Host: The Life Of Faith 
2. Link up your post!
Post can include anything related to mommy-hood, children, homemaking, pregnancy etc. If you aren't a mom yet, feel free to link up your preparation for motherhood, your journey as you try to conceive, or even a post that would be encouraging to the other moms in the party!

3. Add the Mommy Moments button to your post or blog so everyone knows where you are linking up!

4. Explore some of the other posts in the link-up and say hello to some new blog friends! 

5. Tweet or Share the link up on Facebook so we can all make even more friends!

The Life Of Faith
<div align="center"><a href="" title="The Life Of Faith"><img src="" alt="The Life Of Faith" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

P.S. We will be having a new guest host every week! Want to be a guest host of the Mommy Moments Blog Hop? Send Faith a message at farmprincess14{at}gmail{dot}com. We would love to have you!

11 November 2013

Raising a Princess in a Twerking World

I saw this picture and quote on Erin from Sweetness Itself's blog and it really struck a chord.

We live in a day and age wherever you look, you see girls wearing less and less. I recently read an article where people were encouraging parents to let their little girls dress "sexy." Claiming that most of the time sexy is equivalent to beautiful.

In a way, I can see where they are coming from. I remember one day, back in high school, I went to school dressed in a short skirt, heels, and low(ish) cut shirt. Now, I'm not proud of what I wore. But this day stands out in my mind like no other. I remember walking to a class, and a boy - a popular, good-looking boy - gave me the once over. It was like he was seeing me for the first time. And he liked what he saw. A smile broke out on his face and he said, " look good." He was stunned. And I was beaming. The next day I went back to wearing my typical uniform: jeans and a t-shirt. He barely glanced my way. What did this tell me? I needed to be sexy in order to get a guy's attention.

Another thought crossed my mind though that day. I didn't want any guy looking at me or wanting to be with me based on the way my body looked or how sexy I dressed. I wanted them liking me for me. I loved Jesus too much to dress inappropriately. I wanted Him to be proud of me.

Now that I have a daughter of my own, I am terrified for her high school years. For her middle school years. For her elementary school years. I worry about how she'll feel the need to dress "like everyone else" in order to get the attention. 

I know God tells us not to worry about tomorrow, but I do. I have to remember every day to put my worries into His hands.

I want my daughter and every little girl out there to know that she doesn't have to take off her clothes or wear less clothing in order to get her prince. Most importantly though, I want her to know that her worth doesn't come from how others view her. But how God sees her. And in His eyes, she is His little princess. We all are. And we will always be His little princesses. 

This sounds like an impossible feat in today's world, where there is so much around that determines worth. But our worth does not come from the people around us on this earth, but rather our worth comes from Heaven. 

I want my daughter to know that she is a princess. The daughter of the King. She does not need to dress like Miley Cyrus or Paris Hilton or anybody like that to get the guy or be "beautiful". She is beautiful and she is loved. Just the way she is.

10 November 2013

Mommy Moments Blog Hop!

Hey mamas!
Welcome back for another great week of Mommy Moments Link Ups! Thank you for linking up and for spreading the word last week! We love all of the great posts!

 This week's most viewed link belongs to Anne from All In a Day's Work. Her post Reality Check as a Mommy was my favorite this week too! Anne get's real in this post and writes about how it's equally as important to share our struggles and realities as it is to share our cute crafts and accomplishments. Let's stay real with each other mamas! None of this perfect stuff.

A big welcome to our guest host Adele from The House Wife.
She has a stinkin' adorable baby girl and her blog is lots of fun!

Make sure you stop by and follow along with Adele as well as our other great hosts!

Now it's time to link up your posts! All you have to do is...

1. Follow Host: The Life Of Faith 
2. Link up your post!
Post can include anything related to mommy-hood, children, homemaking, pregnancy etc. If you aren't a mom yet, feel free to link up your preparation for motherhood, your journey as you try to conceive, or even a post that would be encouraging to the other moms in the party!

3. Add the Mommy Moments button to your post or blog so everyone knows where you are linking up!

4. Explore some of the other posts in the link-up and say hello to some new blog friends! 

5. Tweet or Share the link up on Facebook so we can all make even more friends!

The Life Of Faith
<div align="center"><a href="" title="The Life Of Faith"><img src="" alt="The Life Of Faith" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

P.S. We will be having a new guest host every week! Want to be a guest host of the Mommy Moments Blog Hop? Send Faith a message at farmprincess14{at}gmail{dot}com. We would love to have you!

07 November 2013

About Me: Q&A

I've been going through a weird writing funk lately. I think it has to do with this funk that Bug is going through with this whole time change. We've had quite a few rough nights where she won't go to sleep unless she's laying on my chest. It's been horrible. And rough. But I have enjoyed the cuddles. I absolutely love the cuddles!

Anyway, Callie over at Through Clouded Glass tagged me for a Sunshine Award! She's pretty awesome. I love following her story, and it's just a bonus that her daughter is just about a month older than Bug. I wish she was a "real life" friend and not just a blog friend, because I think she'd be a pretty cool person to hang out with!

The Sunshine Award comes along with a few this should help out with this writing funk of mine.


1. When were your "awkward" years (come on, we all had them).  What made you feel awkward?

Elementary school, middle school, high school...they were all awkward. I was a clueless and a nerd and my world was wrapped around my books. 

2. Favorite memory?

Oh gosh...this is a hard one...I have so many wonderful memories. I think my favorite one though might be a tie between my wedding day and the birth of my daughter. 

3. If you had an hour, all to yourself, what would you do, where would you go, who would you see, what would you eat?  (An hour may not seem like a long time to some of you, but when you have preschoolers, it is!)

This is an easy one! If I had an hour I would go to Barnes and Noble, sip on a drink from Starbucks, and read to my hearts content. Or maybe I would just spend it in the bathroom...let's get real here. 

4. Favorite book/magazine?

Remember those awkward years and my world being wrapped in my books? Yeah, Harry Potter is my go to book for all seasons of life. I think I've read the books in that series ten times each. There is just something about them, that no matter how many times I read them, I can't get enough. JK Rowling, you are a genius! 

5. What has been the defining moment of your life so far?

I'd have to say becoming a mother. I don't think I could have ever fully grasped God's love for me if I didn't have Bug. It's amazing. It really is.

Now I get to tag some of my friends! So I tag Sarah from The Not Quite Military Wife, Faith from The Life Of Faith, Hannah from My Delicious Adventure, and Heather Leigh from A Different Kind of Woman.

Here are your questions ladies:

1. What is your favorite feature and why?

2. If you could name a nail polish, what would it be?

3. Favorite Dr. Seuss book?

4. Most embarrassing moment?

5. What made you who you are today? I'm going to sleep. 

04 November 2013

Life Hack #2: Potty Breaks

Let's face it, going to the bathroom alone is a luxury. Once Bug started crawling, she was following me everywhere. Yes, that includes the bathroom. Actually, her favorite place to follow me into is the bathroom. She loves going in there. It's the funniest thing. I don't know why she loves going into the bathroom, but she rushes to follow me in there. Of course you can always stick baby in their crib or pack n play, but Bug isn't a fan of being stuck places.

So what do I do if I'm using the bathroom (for doing my makeup of course) and I don't want her getting into everything?

Here's my little secret:

I keep a special few toys in there just for her. Toys that she doesn't get to see very often. 

She loves it! And this mama loves it too. It keeps her out of the trash can, from climbing into the tub, and playing in the cabinet under the sink. It makes going to the bathroom so much easier! 

Do y'all have any tips 

03 November 2013

Mommy Moments Blog Hop!

Hey mamas!
Welcome back for another great week of Mommy Moments Link Ups! Thank you for linking up and for spreading the word last week! We love all of the great posts!

 This week's most viewed link belongs to Sarah from My Joy Filled Life. Sarah is one of my personal favorite bloggers. She is mama to 8 and homeschooling them to boot! Her post 7 Things I Wish My Parents Taught Me is a definite must read. I hope I do a good job teaching those things to my kids. 

7 Things I Wish My Parents Had Taught Me

A big welcome to our guest host Terri Grothe from Rambling Mama! Make sure you stop by and follow along with her as well as the other co-hosts!
Rambling Momma
Now it's time to link up your posts! All you have to do is...

1. Follow Host: The Life Of Faith 
2. Link up your post!
Post can include anything related to mommy-hood, children, homemaking, pregnancy etc. If you aren't a mom yet, feel free to link up your preparation for motherhood, your journey as you try to conceive, or even a post that would be encouraging to the other moms in the party!

3. Add the Mommy Moments button to your post or blog so everyone knows where you are linking up!

4. Explore some of the other posts in the link-up and say hello to some new blog friends! 

5. Tweet or Share the link up on Facebook so we can all make even more friends!

The Life Of Faith
<div align="center"><a href="" title="The Life Of Faith"><img src="" alt="The Life Of Faith" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

P.S. We will be having a new guest host every week! Want to be a guest host of the Mommy Moments Blog Hop? Send Faith a message at farmprincess14{at}gmail{dot}com. We would love to have you!

28 October 2013

Mommy Moments Blog Hop!

Hey mamas!
Welcome back for another great week of Mommy Moments Link Ups! Thank you for linking up and for spreading the word last week! We love all of the great posts!

 This week's most viewed link belongs to Julie from Sweetness and Happiness! Her post I drove the Wrong Car to Work is a classic example of the drama of motherhood and how hectic it can really be. 

A big welcome to our guest host for this week. She is a faithful contributor to the Mommy Moments Link Up every week so you may recognize her cute little blog The Everyday Momma!The Everyday Momma
Now it's time to link up your posts! All you have to do is...

1. Follow Host: The Life Of Faith 
2. Link up your post!
Post can include anything related to mommy-hood, children, homemaking, pregnancy etc. If you aren't a mom yet, feel free to link up your preparation for motherhood, your journey as you try to conceive, or even a post that would be encouraging to the other moms in the party!

3. Add the Mommy Moments button to your post or blog so everyone knows where you are linking up!

4. Explore some of the other posts in the link-up and say hello to some new blog friends! 

5. Tweet or Share the link up on Facebook so we can all make even more friends!

The Life Of Faith
<div align="center"><a href="" title="The Life Of Faith"><img src="" alt="The Life Of Faith" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

P.S. We will be having a new guest host every week! Want to be a guest host of the Mommy Moments Blog Hop? Send Faith a message at farmprincess14{at}gmail{dot}com. We would love to have you!

25 October 2013

When It Rains, It Pours

There's nothing like being kicked when you're already down. 

The hubs needed to get some things from the basement yesterday, and to our dismay, when he went downstairs and found water in the basement. Well, we thought it was just water...turns out it was something way way worse. It was backed up sewage. Yeah. Nasty. Not something we wanted to see when walking downstairs. Standing sewage water. All throughout the basement. The worst part: a lot of it went into the washing machine. Disgusting.

So this is all discovered yesterday and we have to vacate the house. We have no use of the bathrooms, which is a problem. Thanks to my mom and dad for putting us up for the night.

Let me tell you that my husband is amazing! He went to work right away getting things out of the nastiness and sucking up the water while I took the Bug and ran went to the parents' house. 

Unfortunately, all of these complications with our sewage more than likely means that we need our septic tank flushed. That costs money. Money we don't have because it apparently you have to jump through more hoops than a circus to get your business license here. But this morning we found a "fall special" online and we knew we could make that work.

One problem, our septic tank wasn't full. 

It was a clog. 

That wasn't a part of the "fall special." 

But it had to be fixed. It had to. We kind of need to use our dishwasher, washing machine, and bathrooms to live. So we had to dip into savings and use what we had to get fixed. 

And it hurt. We don't have the income coming in. It has been extremely difficult to get the hubs's business started. And extremely expensive. It's borderline ridiculous and extremely frustrating. We're trying to figure out how to gather the money and get things started, because we believe that once things get started, God is going to do wonderful things. But the problem is getting the ball rolling. There have been so many things stopping us and redirecting us and curve ball after curve ball have been thrown in our direction. 

Today, I posted on my Facebook page asking for people to share with me their favorite "God will provide" verses. Here is what they gave me:

1 || 2 || 3 || 4

Pretty good verses to meditate on. 

Now the trick is to trust those verses. So I go to bed tonight trusting that God will provide all we need. We will wake up tomorrow with a new day and will trust that God will give us exactly what we need, no more and no less. 

And tomorrow brings a much needed date night with the hubs! 

23 October 2013

9 Months! (better late than never)

(Bug was officially 9 months on the 17th...hence, the better late than never)

weight: 20 lbs 10.5 oz       
height: 28 1/4 in
eating: nursing 4 times a day and 3 meals of solids a day  
floor time: crawling, standing, getting into everything
happiness: for the most part, she's a happy, happy girl, unfortunately she has her first ear infection and hasn't been quite herself lately.
loves: her mommy, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, peek-a-boo, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, music, her piano, standing, and eating
sleep: we're down to two naps a day and still sleeping through the night!
first word: MAMA! second word: DADA!

She's such a cutie pie! I'm so blessed to be her mommy! I feel like she's growing like a weed and I'm ready for her to slow down.

She got her first major boo boo this month. Her first black eye. It was so sad! I turn my back for one second, she slips, falls, and collides with the foot of a table at church. I was amazed at how quickly it bruised! She must have hit it just right. 

We took a family day and went apple picking up in North Georgia. It was wonderful walking around and enjoying the beautiful weather.

Another fall tradition is the Apple Festival. We wandered around and hung out with some friends. It was good seeing everyone and laughing.

My girl loves finding windows and looking out. We've had beautiful weather here in Georgia and have dutifully taking advantage of it! Of course, right now it's in the low 50s with the low tonight is in the mid 30s and extremely windy (tomorrow night the low is in the Georgia...WHAT IS THIS WEATHER!?). But we're still taking advantage of the fresh air. I'm hoping it'll help Bug get better quicker.

You can tell here that she wasn't really feeling well. Bug has her first ear infection. Sunday night on our way home from the Apple Festival she started coughing just a little. When she woke up Monday morning we could just tell something was off. My poor girl. She's such a trooper though! I would have never guessed that she had an ear infection!

I love my little girl so incredibly much! I can't believe in just 3 short months (really less) she'll be one year old! I'll have a toddler! What is this about?! I can't really think about it without crying. She's just growing up so quickly!

Dear Bug, 
Girl, you are such a trooper! I am so proud of how you've dealt with all the bumps and bruises that have come your way! They might make this mama cry, but you take it all with a smile on your face. You're personality continues to blossom and amaze me more and more every day! I love watching you grow up, though if I had it my way, you'd slow down just a little bit. 
Gitchee gitchee goo,
Mommy and Daddy

21 October 2013

Life Hacks: Cooking With Baby

(Introducing a new series: Life Hacks! Little ways I've found that make life easier when living and doing life with a baby.)

Life Hack #1: Cooking With Baby
(mostly an active baby) - I've got to give my mama credit with this one, she's one smart lady!

Let's face it, cooking or doing anything in the kitchen isn't easy when you have a baby. It got to where I wouldn't cook (or eat, for that matter) until after Bug was asleep. It was just too much trouble to deal with a moving baby and cooking food all at the same time.

So what to do? You can always strap them in their high chair and let them eat or play with toys. But then they throw the toys off and you have to go get them or they are running out of food. So you're caught running back and forth between food and high chair. And, if your child is anything like mine, they hate to be cooped up for any length of time.

That is when I introduced the drawer (or in my mom's case, cabinet). This drawer is filled with Tupperware and measuring cups that aren't being used. Everything is baby proof and can make lots of noise (something that Bug loves). Plus, there's a cool drawer that she can open and close, open and close, open and close as many times as she likes.  

This drawer has changed my life, and Bug's too for that matter. She loves playing in the kitchen while Mommy is cooking. The best part, if she loses a "toy" she can crawl after it and bring it back. It keeps her busy and let's me cook. It's been a lifesaver. 

Photo taken via iPhone. Follow me on Instagram {at}alliw009

Don't let this face fool you, she loves her drawer. She just got stuck and couldn't figure how to get back off the drawer. 

Do y'all have any life hacks that help with cooking? 

Does your little one have their own drawer or cabinet that they love to play in?

What do you have in your baby's repertoire of kitchen toys?

Mommy Moments Blog Hop!

Hey mamas!
Welcome back for another great week of Mommy Moments Link Ups! Thank you for linking up and for spreading the word last week! We love all of the great posts!

 This week's most viewed link belongs to Becky from My Sweet Moose and her post The 1st Ultrasound. I'm sure many of you clicked on this link hoping for a sappy movie moment ultrasound story...but Becky was full of surprises and laughs as she prepares her readers for the horrors of transvaginal ultrasounds. Yup. It's a real thing!

Now it's time to link up your posts! All you have to do is...

1. Follow Host: The Life Of Faith 
2. Link up your post!
Post can include anything related to mommy-hood, children, homemaking, pregnancy etc. If you aren't a mom yet, feel free to link up your preparation for motherhood, your journey as you try to conceive, or even a post that would be encouraging to the other moms in the party!

3. Add the Mommy Moments button to your post or blog so everyone knows where you are linking up!

4. Explore some of the other posts in the link-up and say hello to some new blog friends! 

5. Tweet or Share the link up on Facebook so we can all make even more friends!

The Life Of Faith
<div align="center"><a href="" title="The Life Of Faith"><img src="" alt="The Life Of Faith" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

P.S. We will be having a new guest host every week! Want to be a guest host of the Mommy Moments Blog Hop? Send Faith a message at farmprincess14{at}gmail{dot}com. We would love to have you!

16 October 2013

Growing Pains

Teething has been rough. Very rough. Who knew the top two teeth were so much worse than the bottom teeth.

But there is an upside to this teething.

Last night, Bug woke up upset and clearly hurting. She needed her mommy to help her sleep. It has been a long time since she has needed me to help her sleep. She's been all independent as of late at night time. I've missed rocking my little baby to sleep. All of a sudden, she was a "big girl." 

But last night. She needed me.

I spent an hour rocking her and holding her and comforting her. She just nestled right into me. I could feel her relax. And I just soaked it all up. 

There is nothing more precious than this time I could share with my girl. 

Then, this morning, she just wanted more cuddles with me. A rough night leads to a nice morning for me and my girl. It's a nice cool day, and Bug and I just cuddled and watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Road Rally. Once again, she just relaxed into me. 

I want more than anything for these cuddles to last. She's growing up way too fast!


14 October 2013

Mommy Moments Blog Hop!

Hey mamas!
Welcome back for another great week of Mommy Moments Link Ups! Thank you for linking up and for spreading the word last week! We love all of the great posts!

 This week's most viewed link belongs to Sarah from Special Moments and her post The Silver Lining of Infertility. This was a hard post to read but also very touching. Thanks for linking up Sarah!

Now it's time to link up your posts! All you have to do is...

1. Follow Host: The Life Of Faith 
2. Link up your post!
Post can include anything related to mommy-hood, children, homemaking, pregnancy etc. If you aren't a mom yet, feel free to link up your preparation for motherhood, your journey as you try to conceive, or even a post that would be encouraging to the other moms in the party!

3. Add the Mommy Moments button to your post or blog so everyone knows where you are linking up!

4. Explore some of the other posts in the link-up and say hello to some new blog friends! 

5. Tweet or Share the link up on Facebook so we can all make even more friends!

The Life Of Faith
<div align="center"><a href="" title="The Life Of Faith"><img src="" alt="The Life Of Faith" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

P.S. We will be having a new guest host every week! Want to be a guest host of the Mommy Moments Blog Hop? Send Faith a message at farmprincess14{at}gmail{dot}com. We would love to have you!