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17 February 2012

Life's Insanity

This has been the longest week. Things have been crazy both at work and at home. But I'm excited about where life is taking us and where God is leading us. 

Last night I rocked the red high heels. And can I tell you how good it felt?! There's just something about them that makes me stand taller and hold my head a little higher. 

I mean who wouldn't feel good in these amazing shoes! If I ever need a self-esteem boost I can put these puppies on and feel like a million bucks, and they definitely helped out last night. It's the little things that count. 

The hubs and I have always been of the mindset that I will stay home when we start our family. Of course, we wouldn't have it any other way. I am one who wants to raise my kids. I want to be home for them. 

For every milestone. 
Every smile. 
Every sickness. 

This being said, because I won't be "working," the hubs would be the sole support of the family. Something that he wants to do. But I know the toll it takes on him. I can see it when he comes home. The stress weighs him down. But he wouldn't have it any other way. He wants me to stay home just as much as I want to stay home. So how can I help him? How can I make it to where he's not working so many hours in a day so that I don't see him until the weekend. I want him to be home just like I want to be home. I've been praying for God to give me an opportunity to help take the stress off of him. And last night that opportunity came. I'm not quite ready to dive into all the details, but let's just say, with this opportunity 

I'll be able to stay home with my babies! 

I came home with a smile on my face and my heart filled with joy. God has provided! I'm so excited about this opportunity! I hope to share the news with you sooner than later, but for now, know things are looking up for us. God always provides! And when He decides for our family to start growing, He will be there guiding our footsteps in every way.
 (And hopefully those red high heels will help me look good along the way.)

15 February 2012

Love is in the air...

Well, there wasn't too much hoopla yesterday. The hubs has small group with church on Tuesday nights and works after that, so our evening was condensed into about 30 minutes.

I cooked him his favorite meal and it was ready by the time he got home from his first job. And so was his present. I gave him a book filled with 12 date nights - 1 for each month. I found this link on Pinterest and, as I was having a hard time coming up with ideas, this sounded like the perfect thing to do for Valentine's Day. I made it my own though, and mixed up some "stayin' in" date nights and some "goin' out" date nights. Doing this was a stretch for me, as I don't like to be the one to come up with the dates. That's supposed to be his job. Right? Well. I decided to step out of my comfort zone. I'm excited to see what all ends up going on and how he enjoys them! 

I placed all our "date cards" in a photo album, and part of the plan is to capture these date nights on camera and replace the date cards with the pictures. This way we'll have the memories for years to come. And who knows, if all goes well, maybe we'll make this a yearly thing! Anyway, our first "date" is at the end of the month, so I'll let you know how it goes!

He got me the traditional my two favorites: red roses and Reese's Cups. My husband knows me so well. However, I'm about to hide these Reese's before I get too fat off of them.

So, while the hubs had small group I got to work in my new organized craft room. It was a lovely evening full of sewing, Cinderella, and the all important and amazing Doctor Who. All-in-all it was a wonderful night and I'm completely happy with the way things turned out!

14 February 2012

VALENTINE'S DAY -- the Geek version

Happy Valentine's Day to my fellow bloggers. Here are a few Doctor Who Valentine's for you! I hope you enjoy them! A more serious post to come later.

12 February 2012

Weekend in Review

Well. Tomorrow is Monday (Or today depending on where you're reading this from). The weekend has been uneventful but full of accomplishments - on my end that is. 

Yesterday, we hung out and ate lunch at a good friend's house and learned about a possible new business opportunity (more to come on that later). We had amazing potato soup and artichoke dip and just hung out and explored ideas. Now it's time for us to trust God to lead us down the right path.

Then it was off on a Walmart trip for dog food and other odds and ends. When we got home I set to work on the craft room/future nursery. It had been our crap junk room since the day we've moved in and I was sick of it. So out went the boxes and in went the amazing things. Now the room is open and airy and I feel like I can get back to crafting in there! I'm so excited about it. (Before and after pictures to come)

Today was church and I got to love on some babies. This is not helping my baby fever and the hubs is not happy about that ;) Oh well. When the LORD gives us children I'll be ready and excited (the sooner the better though ;) )

Then we went to lunch at the hubs's grandmother's house. We had yummy borscht (it was clearly the perfect cold weekend for soup) and got to enjoy some time sitting there and listening to her story. She was rescued during WWII and brought to the United States. It's just amazing to listen to her tell what she went through and how God provided for her throughout her time in the camps. 

So all in all, the weekend was a good one. Not too busy, but things did get accomplished. Now it's on to Monday and a new week. 

Cold weekends mean there's a fire in the fireplace, something my dog absolutely loves. 
Yes, he is laying on the hearth. Strange, I know.

10 February 2012

Date Talks

Last Saturday the hubs and I had our garage sale date. Here is a recap of all that we got.

For all of you who go garage sale-ing, you know that you spend quite some time in the car. Now the hubs and I aren't really into listening to the radio. We prefer the quietness, because sometimes there's something in the quietness. Also, without the radio it allows us time to talk and catch up with each other. During the week, he works two jobs so I hardly get to see him. When the weekend arrives, it's time for us to play catch up, and listening to the radio prevents that opportunity.

Like most other car rides, the radio is off and we're talking. We talk about our needs and wants as a couple and our needs and wants as an individual. What I need from our relationship is different than what the hubs needs from the relationship. We're not struggling at all in our relationship, just sometimes it's the little things that frustrate us. Sometimes we get so much into routine and all about us and what makes us happy that we forget the important things. It's also hard to communicate when we hardly see each other. And communicating is difficult when we each have a different love language. (Have you ever read that book? I highly recommend it for everyone. Married or not.) My love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation. The hubs is acts of kindness and physical touch. 

Okay. So we've got the whole physical touch thing down, but the other two are difficult for the both of us. The hubs prefers having something done for him. That's how he feels loved. I prefer words of encouragement from the people I love. That's how I feel loved. Very different forms of showing love. And it's my job as a wife to work on speaking to my husbands love language, just as it's his job to speak to mine. If I'm honest with myself, the past few weeks I've been kind of slacking in the whole loving my husband through his love language. Life has come and swept me up in all of its chaos, and I had lost sight of the important things. In our conversation this past Saturday, love languages came up and I had to face the fact that I had not been doing the best job for my husband. 

This past week, I have tried my best to speak to my husband through his love language. It's not been easy. Acts of kindness are not my strong suit. But I'm trying. And I'm praying that God will help me speak to my husband in a way that he alone understands. 

So here it is. All out in the open. I love being a wife and I love my husband. It's not always easy being a wife, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. I have the best husband in the world and I'm so excited about the journey we are on together and I'm anxious to see where God takes us. 

To find out what your love language is click here
I seriously recommend this book. It's life changing.

09 February 2012

A lot has happened...

these past few days. Firstly, I got my GACE scores back. And drum roll please,


I was shocked. I did not expect to pass this test. For one, I thought it was too easy, and I never pass "too easy" tests. I tend to over think them, which makes for a failing test grade. I guess this time being sick paid off. Which brings me to the second reason I think I failed. I was so sick that day, and it was a rough morning. But God clearly knew what He was doing and miracle of miracles I passed. *Still in shock*

The past week has been nothing but crazy at work. But I like crazy. It makes the week go by faster. However, through all the crazy-ness that has ensued this past week, I have discovered just how blessed I am. I love my job and my co-workers rock. I am so blessed by where I work and who I work with. God is so good in letting me work there. I just hope and pray that I'm using my job for His purpose and I shine with His glory.

In other news, I'm researching Disney vacation for the hubs and me. Our last "hurrah" before we start a family. So this has me beyond excited. I am a self-proclaimed Disney freak. I love everything Disney. Tuesday nights are my Disney movie nights while the hubs has small group. This week was Beauty and the Beast. I love watching and singing along and I'm pretty sure the guys in the living room hear every word I sing.  Oh well :)

What makes this trip even better is the hubs has yet to experience the wonderful world that is Disney (well, he went once when he was 2 but that doesn't count). Plans are running around like crazy in my mind and I'm just praying that somehow things will fall into place and we'll be able to go.

I know I promised a post on how the actual date went - not just the lovely goodies we got - and it's coming. There's a lot to talk about and so I'm still working through how I want to word what I learned.

So any other Disney-fanatics out there who have advice for this traveler?

06 February 2012

Garage Sale Dates

The weather held out for the hubs and I to partake in our garage sale date! ((You can check out the plans for that here)). We got a late start to the morning. It was our first day to sleep late in quite some time, so we took advantage of it. Plus, it was supposed to rain in the morning then wane off. So, with the dog placed in the basement, we were able to sleep in. 

Once getting up we ate and got going. We hit the "hot spots" and there was NOTHING. And I mean nothing. So, not to be discouraged we widened our route. And lo and behold we found some sales! Our limit was $30 combined ($15 a piece). In total, we spent $21.

Here's an overview of what we got. 

More on how the whole "date thing" went later.