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29 January 2012

First Yoga Class of twenty12

One of my goals of twenty12 was to start yoga and yesterday I stepped out of my comfort zone and took the leap.

The day started off with the hubs and I heading out for South Carolina to visit the grandparents and get his filling replaced. So we started on our journey around 7:30, got there are 9:30, hubs was in the chair by 9:45, finished with the filling around 10:00, ate lunch with the grandmother, aunt, brother, and his girlfriend around noon, and then headed on our way home around 2:00 with a pit-stop at Walmart. This put us at getting home right at 4:00, giving me 20 minutes to change and get to the yoga studio. I was supposed to have a friend meet me and go with me, which would have not been too much of a problem, but she got sick :( so I had to make a decision. I decided I would do this for me, and it was a hard decision.

I made it right on time. I wasn't even allowed to pay because it would make me late for the start of the class. It was packed. And I awkwardly walked into the classroom with my mat and towel and got ready. The only spot I could find. In the front. I was terrified! Now I've done yoga before, but it was 2 years ago during college, but nothing like this. Hot yoga. That's what they call it. It means the room is 106 degrees. Also known as hot. Sweat started pouring from me the instant I entered the room.

So the instructor jumped right into it and I had no choice but to follow. Remember, I got the spot in the front. We started off with standing positions, and I started off strong. I can do this. Right? Wrong. I have NEVER had my legs shake the way they did yesterday. I had no control over them! They wouldn't stop. I did my best to keep them still, but it completely through me off. I suppose it was good that my legs were shaking because it meant that I was pushing myself to my limit. I did have to drop to me knees a few times due to dizziness (the heat was getting to me), but I was able to recover and jump right back into it.

All in all it was wonderful and I can't wait until next week to go back and do it again. I plan on doing some basic things throughout the week (I downloaded a yoga app on my iPhone) to keep me going and semi-limber and to help my legs and body loosen up, because I can feel the workout. I love it. It means I've worked for something. It's a great feeling.

Due to the lack of time, I failed at taking pictures. Next week will be different. I will be the creeper blogger with the camera.

27 January 2012

100th Day!

Today was the 100th day of school only 78 more to go! We celebrated all day long. It was fun to see what the kids brought in to represent 100 things. I think the top 2 were a hate with 100 random items glued to it and a milk jug turned hedgehog with 100 small pine cone things on top of it. Both were incredibly creative and the kids were so proud of their creations! Have I mentioned lately that I love my job? Working with K and 1 is the best. They are presh and they bring a smile to my face daily.

Just because I love my job so much though, doesn't mean I'm not super ready for the weekend! This was our first full week back in like a month and a half, so I'm thankful for the weekend break. This weekend brings a quick trip to SC to visit the dentist grandparents. Then yoga with the best friend. And church with the hubs. I'm so ready and excited! This weekend is going to be filled with fun and relaxation (I hope).

Do y'all have any fun plans for the weekend?

26 January 2012

It's been a while

Things have been...blah lately. I blame it on this weather. It's been a dreary January. Unseasonably warm (today's high is in the upper 60s/70s) but still quite blah. I don't know what it is about this blah weather. All it does is make me want to take a nap. Of course I can't tell that it's blah outside during the day when I'm stuck in my closet of an office, so the blah doesn't hit until the drive home. Then the exhaustion catches up to me. Doubts start creeping into my mind. And all I want to do is either a) take a bath or b) take a nap. Not such a good thing for my house. I have convinced myself to do a few things around the house, but it usually takes a lot of convincing.

Then I saw this verse posted by a friend this morning and it hit me hard in the gut. It was the perfect word to wake up to this morning.

And don't be wishing you were someplace else or with someone else. Where you are right now is God's place for you. Live and obey and love and believe right there. 
1 Corinthians 7:17 the Message

It stands as an encouragement. No matter what, I'm where He wants me to be and I should be happy and seeking Him in this place. It's hard when things get so blah, but that's when I should be seeking Him the most. There's something out there that He wants me to see, but I have to seek after Him to find it. So in the blah-ness of this month and the wintry months following, I will seek after Him in all things and through seeking after Him I will find joy and peace and purpose.

23 January 2012


This Monday was...difficult a relief to be done with. I don't know what it is about talking in front of people, but I always get clammy and nervous, and I freak out over every little detail. It's a little ridiculous. I mean, I did drama in high school and had no fear in getting up on stage, but something has clearly changed in my mentality that makes me really nervous when having to present in front of people. And today I didn't really do much talking, I just had to speak for a second. Still. I shook the whole time. I'm thankful that I don't have to speak in front of groups for a living. Or. If I speak in front of a group, they're all 7 and under. I can deal with that kind of speaking. Haha

So to get my mood off of this whole scary speaking thing this afternoon, I spent my morning listening to Disney music. There's nothing like the Little Mermaid, the Lion King, Aladdin, or Beauty and the Beast to brighten up your morning and make your day 10x better.

My favorite song from the Lion King would have to be Be Prepared. I love this song. No idea why, I just do.

My favorite songs from the Little Mermaid would have to be Part of Your World and Under the Sea. This is my all-time favorite movie. All-time. Not just Disney. I love this movie.


My favorite song from Aladdin would have to be Prince Ali.I just love the lyrics, and it wouldn't be the same without Robin Williams singing it.

My favorite song from the Beauty and the Beast would have to be Gaston. Fun fact: if I were to ever be in the play Beauty and the Beast (a funny thought after I just confessed my stage fright) I would love to play LeFou.

22 January 2012

Project 52 -- Week 3

It's been a nice relaxing weekend filled with lots and lots of laundry. Here's to actually working a Monday (first Monday in a month of working).

20 January 2012


My weekend consists of cleaning and doing laundry. Things I might have forgotten neglected during this crazy week. Maybe I can throw in some thrifting and crafting amidst the cleaning.


19 January 2012


Let's face it. 
I like food. 
Most people like food. 
Some too much. 
Some not enough. 
I like food.

For some people, like me, it's hard to eat. I have a "gluten-intolerance" (at least that's what I call it, I haven't officially been diagnosed). This means eating anything with gluten in it makes me very ill. What has gluten in it? Everything Wheat, barley, and rye. Not that big of a deal. Right? It's easy to get around. Right? Wrong. Everything has gluten in it. Including types of vinegar, processed meats, and even shampoo. No I don't eat shampoo, but if I touch my hair after washing it with said shampoo and it gets into the food that could be bad. It's complicated.

Needless to say, it makes life difficult. Eating out has become something that is relatively nonexistent {not that I'm complaining, it's saved us a ton of money that we've had to spend on gluten-free food}. I've actually had to start reading labels and paying attention to what I buy. Not only because of price, because what's in it could potentially make me ill. 

Thankfully, there is more awareness now then there was even a couple of years ago. So things are getting more expensive easier. I can still eat corn, potatoes, and rice, so any flour made out solely of those three ingredients I can use. It's just difficult learning a new way to cook and having to cook because it's not as easy as going out for fast food. Basically it's a new adventure and I'm looking forward to discovering new foods for the hubs and I to enjoy. 
