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17 May 2013

4 Months!

weight: 16 lbs 7.5 oz (90%)      
height: 25 1/2 in (90%)
eating: every 2.5-3 hours still; exclusively breastfed
tummy time: loves tummy time and is starting to enjoy it for longer periods of time!
happiness: happy as a clam! she's cooing and talking and squealing now!
loves: cuddles, Lamaze toys, exersaucer, "piano", her feet, her hands in her mouth, anything in her mouth, and rattles
sleep: between 8 and 11 hours! last night she slept 11 hours straight! still loving that crib!

She's gained another pound and 1/2 (almost 2!) in the past month! Such a good eater! Now she not only has leg and knee rolls, but she's getting arm and wrist rolls as well. And of course there's the adorable double chin. How come babies can have double chins and rolls and it's cute? Not fair! 

Still no rolling over. She's good at getting half way there, but then she seems stuck. It won't be long though before she accomplishes it! Then I'll definitely have my hands full with a little mover. Time to start thinking about baby proofing.

She's still in 3-6 month clothing, with some 6 months and 6-9 months. This girl is chunky and needs all the room she can get in her clothes. When we use disposable diapers, she's in size two, and we've changed the size in cloth as well.

She still always has those hands in her mouth! And we can't go far without a bib or burp cloth with all the drool. Still no teeth yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if they're not far off. 

We celebrated my first Mother's Day this past month and baby dedication at church. You were such a trooper and everybody just loved your rolls. I have to say, you were the cutest baby there. Then again, I might be a little biased.

Dear Bug, 
You are truly a joy! I can't imagine life without you. It's hard to believe that it's been 4 months. In some ways, I feel like you were just born. In others, I feel like you've been with us forever. You are definitely developing your own little personality. That squeal of yours is becoming your go-to means of communication. I can't help but laugh. You've started mocking me too. It's been so much fun watching you learn and grow! I can't wait to see where God will take you. He has big plans for you, Bug, and it's going to be so fun to watch you shine.
Gitchee gitchee goo!
Mommy and Daddy

15 May 2013

Favorite Things: 3 Month Edition

This favorite thing 3 month edition is extremely similar to the 2 month edition. Items one, three, four, and five are all the same. We just loved them in the 3rd month as much as we did in the second! Two things did change though. If you wanna read more about the other items you can check them out here.

2. Angelcare Movement & Sound Monitor - This monitor has been my peace of mind now that Bug is sleeping in her own room. The steady beeping sound notifying me that she is still okay has been amazing. It's taken me a little while to get used to, but I love it. I do remember the first time the alarm sounded though, that terrified me. But we've figured out how to work it out, and I know how to position her to where she can't manage to scoot off of it while she sleeps.

6. Vulli Sophie the Giraffe Teether - I have seen great things about Sophie and so at the first chance I got, the hubs and I ran to Babies R Us to find one. There were many different choices. We decided to go with the one that has "handles" for our girl. The first reason is that it seems easier to grip for her, the second is that she can't easily choke herself by sticking Sophie's long neck down her throat. I love this little toy and it goes everywhere with us. Bug can easily grab it and it goes directly into her mouth. She still hasn't gotten the hang of chomping down on it, but it's cute to see her with it. 

14 May 2013

Solving the World's Problems

It's 12:30 and I sit here absolutely exhausted. The hubs and I spent the day working on the house, plus I had to take care of the Bug. She was wonderful and enjoyed spending the morning outside with us while we painted. But as the day went on, the more tired she got and the harder it was to please her without having her bouncing on my hip. I wasn't feeling well. I was hungry. I was trying to take care of a screaming baby plus cook dinner.  I wasn't handling everything well.

But I got her bathed.
I got her fed.
And I got her down.

She has now been asleep since 7:15. My poor girl was exhausted. 

So now I sit here, trying not to fret about life. Trying to solve the world's problems. But nothing gets solved at 12:30. Only worry ensues. 

Worry about decisions that need to be made.
Projects that need to be finished.
Plans that need to be planned.

But the world's problems cannot be solved at 12:30. At least, not by me.

So instead, I sit here with a cup of hot tea, dreaming of the cuddles I get to share with my girl in the morning. Those sweet cuddles that I cherish so incredibly much, because I know they're all too fleeting. 

13 May 2013

Photo Dump


//smiles on a cloudy day//practicing piano//happy girl waking up from her nap//


//ready for our evening walk//bubble gum faces//traveling buddy//


//happy girl visiting Dahlonega//Mother's Day//talking up a storm//


//shopping with Bibi//painting buddy enjoying the sun//

Diana graduated!

celebrating Mother's Day

"Really Mom, more pictures?"

"Fine, then I'm not looking."

Family time on Mother's Day. First time we've all been together in 8 years.

//follow on Instagram {at}awood009//

11 May 2013

It's days like today...

...that I realize just how blessed I am.

Thank you, LORD for this amazing little girl and the amazing family you have blessed me with.

10 May 2013

Friday's Letters

From a sewing shop at a transition home in Moldova. 

Dear Friday, I'm glad you are finally here. Though I'm not quite sure I'm ready for the weekend. It's going to be a very busy weekend filled with a friend's graduation, family visits, Mother's Day, baby dedication at church, and I feel like I'm forgetting something major. Needless to say, it's busy. Dear Master Bath, Can you be finished yet? I'm glad I can finally shower at my own house, but I'm also ready to use my own bathroom and sink. Dear Hubs,  You are working so hard and I am so proud of you! Thank you for all you do! You are truly amazing! Dear Bug, You are getting so big! Please slow down! Next week you will be four months old! Where has the time gone? You've started grabbing things and picking them up. Also, you make new sounds every day. It's amazing watching you grow up! But seriously, slow down! Dear Weather, Thanks for finally turning into spring, but do you really have to rain again this weekend? We finally have a lawn mower to mow our lawn and you're going to rain! Also, we still need to paint. So please get your act together. Thank you.