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Showing posts with label life in instagram. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life in instagram. Show all posts

04 February 2014

Life in Instagram

Let's play some catch up...

The weather has been so crazy lately we've tried to get outside every chance we get! Bug just loves to get out and play. She's taken to walking to do the door and reaching for the door handle (yes, she can reach it!) and then looking back at me as if to tell me "Come on, Mom! Let's go play!"

See what I mean? She loves being outside!

When we can't get outside, we make use of Bug's new playroom. She's like a tornado in there and absolutely loves it!

For her birthday, we got her this new chair. She absolutely loves having her very own chair to sit and play in!

We love playing peek-a-boo through the window!

Another favorite in the playroom is composing on Daddy's keyboard. She loves to sit there and play the keys. I personally think she has something going there! We might have a little musician on our hands!

If you want to see more from Instagram feel free to follow @alliw009

11 October 2013

High 5 For Friday - Random Edition

as captured on Instagram (follow the crazy antics @ alliw009)

One: Bug has been teething this week, so it's been full of ups and downs. Today, my poor girl wasn't at her best. She as happy, but you could tell that she wasn't herself.

 Two: This week has been filled with open windows and the breeze blowing through the house! I'm loving this fall weather!

Three: Naps are a must this week! I don't know if it's because I haven't been sleeping well, or what. But nap times have been a necessity!!

Four: The hubs is starting a new business this week! More on that later...but we're really excited about where things are heading for us!

Five: The Dawgs better not give me another heart attack this weekend! I don't know if I can handle all the stress!

13 May 2013

Photo Dump


//smiles on a cloudy day//practicing piano//happy girl waking up from her nap//


//ready for our evening walk//bubble gum faces//traveling buddy//


//happy girl visiting Dahlonega//Mother's Day//talking up a storm//


//shopping with Bibi//painting buddy enjoying the sun//

Diana graduated!

celebrating Mother's Day

"Really Mom, more pictures?"

"Fine, then I'm not looking."

Family time on Mother's Day. First time we've all been together in 8 years.

//follow on Instagram {at}awood009//

01 May 2013

Life Lately


She's trying so hard to roll over!!// There's nothing cuter than a naked baby! // Demolition on our master bath begins!


No more bathroom // Sleeping peacefully // After midnight and renovations are going strong 


Rocking the Wyoming shirt from Aunt Rebekah! // We have 3 walls and a tub! // Morning cuddles with Mommy


Entertaining herself with the front view camera during small group // Reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets // "What's up, Mom?"

Go Braves!!

Clearly life has been a little busy here. Follow me on Instagram to keep up with life here