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05 October 2012

Welcome to October...

Where Braves players go to die...

Also known as "Choke-tober" 

But what else would we expect? We should be used to this by now. Come October, no matter how "hot" the Braves have been, they choke and die. It's become a typical thing. Normal around here. There's no doubt about it. It still stings, yes, but we fans get used to it. 

Now to focus solely on FOOTBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GO DAWGS!!!!!!!!!!! You will find me curled up in a ball rocking back in forth in anticipation and worry as the game is played tomorrow. It keeps me calm. It keeps me going. What can I say? I love football!!

03 October 2012

Bringing Home Baby; The Advice

I see shirts like this and they make me laugh. I just kinda roll my eyes and continue on with my life. But there is something to this shirt that makes sense. I can see why some people would portray this kind of attitude. Being a first time mom, I never realized how many people offer advice the instant they find out your pregnant. Then the advice continues once they find out if you're having a boy or girl. And with that advice comes their opinions. 

I'm not complaining though. It's just their way of showing that they care, even if they don't know me. I'm getting good at just smiling and nodding. But I believe this is a part of what it takes to bring baby home. Putting up with all the unsolicited advice that comes your way is just another thing you have to deal with. The best part is, you most likely know who has your best interest at heart and in the's your body and your baby. All that matters in the end is how you feel.

Along with the unsolicited advice...the belly rubs! Once again, I just smile and nod.

01 October 2012

25 Weeks!

How far along: 25 weeks 

Trimester: Last month of the Second Trimester!!!

Baby size: Average rutabaga - 13 inches and 2 pounds! Getting bigger and bigger, which can be seen by my ever growing belly!

Toes: They're getting harder and harder to see every day.

Gender: BABY GIRL!

Movement: She keeps moving and flipping, but I can tell it's getting harder for her to move. Things must be getting tighter in there!

Cravings: Food. Please. Food. I just need food! My sweet tooth has picked up, though it could be because there are so many yummy sweet treats that are fall-iscious.

Aversions: I've tried chicken, and it's okay...still not my favorite though.

Nausea/Morning sickness: No more! Just tired now, and constantly out of breath. Round ligament pain, itchy and stretchy skin, heartburn, some slight dizziness, and hip and back pain, but nothing to complain about :)

Maternity clothes: Yes yes and yes. I love them. I'm definitely one of those women who is proud to wear my maternity pants. They're just too comfortable to pass up.

Best moment of the week: We had another doctor's appointment and everything checked out well! Also, it's now more apparent that there's a baby in my belly. It's like BOOM in your face! Haha. I love it!! And it's now big enough to rest my cups and things on, which comes in handy :)

What I'm looking forward to: Finishing the nursery! Now that I know what we're having, nesting has kicked in full force.  The crib is up, but that's about it.

The Life Of Faith

28 September 2012

Friday's Letters

Dear Friday, I'm glad you're here. It's been a long week, sick week. Dear Weekend, Take your time. Please don't disappear too quickly. I need a nice long weekend. Dear Hubs,  You're amazing. Enough said. Dear Baby Girl, I love you so so much! You are kicking like crazy and I'm loving every minute of it! Dear UGA Football, Please don't make me stress out too much tomorrow. I'd like a nice, easily played game with a good and comfortable score. Dear Real Refs, Thank you so much for returning. Those wanna-be refs were embarrassing.

Grilled cheese and tomato soup, I'm loving it!


27 September 2012

My darling daughter...

I know we haven't officially met yet, but I feel like I know you. I've spent many hours trying to picture what you will look like. Will you be a blonde, a brunette, or a ginger? Will you have blue eyes, brown eyes, green eyes, or even hazel eyes like me? Your dad and I joke that you can have his looks and my brains and we'll be alright. No matter what, my darling, you are a beautiful girl. I'm seeing the world in a new light now, knowing that you will be joining our family, and I can't wait until I can see you discover it through your new eyes. 

When I first heard this song by Tyrone Wells I immediately thought of you. Now, whenever I hear it, which is often because I can't stop playing it, I tear up knowing that this is your song. There is just something about this song that sends a message straight to the place in my heart where you have taken residence. It is your song and there is none out there that suits you better. 

"You fit me perfectly, darling it's plain to see, you are a beautiful girl"

I can't wait until you're here so we can dance to the song together and I can whisper in your ear over and over again that you are a beautiful girl. That you are my beautiful girl and you make my world beautiful.

25 September 2012

Bringing Home Baby; the Nursery

A lot of research has been put into this whole "having a baby thing." I have found out there is a lot more to bringing home baby than just popping them out and then placing them in a car seat to bring them home. Obviously I'm kidding just a little here. 

Even before baby comes home, baby has to have a place to come home to. A place for baby to sleep (eventually), a place for a diaper change, and a place to keep all of baby's cute adorable clothes that so many loved ones has purchased for them. A nursery. For some people the nursery is a shared room, either with another child or room that has another purpose. Other people set aside a special room just for their little new little one. Of course, this varies from family to family and it all depends on living situation. The hubs and I are lucky to have a room that we have set aside for our little girl. Now we just have to fill the room with lovely things.

Things I've found we need:

Now this isn't our crib, just one like it. I'm saving sharing the final crib reveal for when our nursery is fully complete.

Once again, this isn't ours. We decided to go with a dresser that can have a changing pad added on top. This way the changing table can serve dual purposes.

Cribs don't come equipped with crib mattresses. Who knew? There are so many options out there with crib mattresses. There are foam mattresses and spring mattresses. We opted for a spring mattress when we registered. 

I imagine a glider will be ideal for feedings and rocking my little one to sleep. Honestly, I can't wait to put ours to use!

I'm still on the lookout for a good bookshelf unit for storing toys, books, and nick-knacks. I have the perfect spot for a shelving unit just like the one in the top right picture. Now just to find the perfect piece.

There are more things that a nursery needs, but in my opinion these are the essentials. Of course, I'm a first time mom so this list might change as time goes by and we get adjusted to life with a little one, but that'll be for another post. If you see anything I need to add, please feel free to let me know! The goal this weekend is to work some more on the nursery. I'm ready for it to be ready, because, even though she has 3 and a half more months of cooking to do, I'll feel better when things are settled and ready. It's just my nature I guess. Oh well, here's to a weekend of organizing and getting things ready! And then once that's all done, I'll post all about our little one's nursery!