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03 April 2012

A busy life is a good life.

Well. I guess that could be true. 
At least right now I'm busy right now and life is good. 
That's proof enough for me.

I'm on spring break at the moment, but the week leading up to spring break is what I like to have called my "hell week." It was a crazy week at school. I had a major event to prepare for and set up. It was crazy. But in the end it was a success. Parents and students alike had a wonderful time and that's all that matters in the end.

On the up side it's spring break. Thank goodness for spring break. I've spent the past two days organizing and cleaning our master bedroom. It's been left as is since we moved in over a year ago and it's been driving me absolutely bonkers. This spring break I've dedicated my time to fixing the mess that was created. So far I've cleaned out all my drawers, set aside a bag of clothes and things to go to Goodwill, put all my winter stuff away, reorganized my closet, and cleaned off all the unnecessary junk off the dressers and nightstands. And it's only Tuesday! I'm pumped with the progress. I'm just waiting on the hubs to clean out his drawers as well and we'll call it a day.

In other news, I have embarked on a new business venture! Ever heard of Proactiv Acne Solutions? Well, the doctors who created Proactiv have opened up a new anti-aging skin care line and I've partnered with them in selling their skin care line! So you're looking at the new independent consultant for Rodan + Fields! Let me tell you how excited I am about this new venture! It's going to be an awesome ride and I'm so happy to have jumped on the ride! Skin is always in style and these products are amazing! I say check these products out if you want to keep those pesky wrinkles at bay, if you are tired of those acne breakouts, or if you have sensitive skin! These products are amazing! I recommend checking it out yourself ;) Click on the picture to find out more!

27 March 2012

This week.

After this week, I can honestly say that I have earned my spring break. It has been a whirlwind of a week, and it's only Tuesday! I feel like I've been working at least ten days in a row now. Spring break is just around the corner. This is the thought that is getting me through the rest of the week. Only 3 more mornings until freedom.

The plan for this spring break is cleaning, cleaning, and more cleaning. How much will I really get done? That's a good question and I'm probably extremely unrealistic, but I plan on cleaning out our closet and chest of drawers and reorganizing everything. {Don't tell the hubs any of these plans in case they don't happen. ;) What he doesn't know won't hurt him and if they do end up happening he'll be pleased.}

We have a very small closet so organization is a must. Currently, we have none.

Simple Organized Living has a great tutorial posted  about how to make do with an "average size master closet." I guarantee you ours is definitely "average size." Or maybe even smaller. 

I'll be doing this on a budget so I'm looking for cheap and easy ways to improve our storage. Any tips or ideas? Our biggest ordeal is our shoes. We have no idea what to do with any of them! And there are lots (I'm planning on getting rid of a ton).

I like the idea of storing things under the bed on rolling drawers. The hubs's boots would work nicely under there.

I don't know. I'm at a loss. We also don't have doors on our closet, so everything is out in the open for all eyes to see (not that anyone actually goes into our bedroom but us, but that's not the point). So I might look to adding doors cheaply. Remember I'm on a budget!

23 March 2012

Movie Review

The Hunger Games were ever in my favor last night. I thought the film was brilliantly done. This is coming from someone who has a very difficult time separating the books from the movies (I'm still struggling with actually liking the Harry Potter films when I loved the Harry Potter books). I can't recount too much, other than the fact that I'm astounded by how amazing it is, so I won't make any further implications until after I've seen it again. Which, lucky for you, will be this afternoon. Yes. I am going again within 24 hours of seeing it the first time and going on an hour and a half of sleep (I'm trying to listen to Disney music in hopes that it will keep me awake). I will say this though: the casting was perfect. They could not have done a better job and I am extremely pleased with how each actor portrayed their character. A.MA.ZING. 

22 March 2012

What I want for Christmas

Is it too early to be thinking about what I want for Christmas this year? I sure hope it isn't because I'm begging for new bedroom furniture for the master bedroom. The stuff the hubs and I are currently using is the furniture from my teenage bedroom. The drawers are small, falling apart, the drawer pulls don't exist, and did I mention the drawers are small? It takes very precise pushing and shoving to close the drawers, and that's without clothes in them. Basically, I'm just fed up with them. So I'm on the prowl for "new" (to me) furniture. I'm searching thrift stores, Craigslist, and garage sales. Not that we can get them now...This is for Christmas.

I'll take anything with good bones. I'm not afraid of a little makeover.

Of course most of these are way beyond out of my price range, but you get the gist of what I want. I don't care if it matches or not. Really I want more of an eclectic look. We'll see what I end up with though. In reality I'll get whatever is cheapest. But that is life now and I am okay with that. The cheaper it is the better I feel about making it my own.
At midnight tonight the reaping begins.
May the odds be ever in your favor.

21 March 2012

An honest post.

I love sunflowers. They make me happy when my skies are gray.

Some days it's stronger than others. 
That maternal yearn. 
I know I've talked about it before. 
The desire to be a mom. 

It's hard for me when I see friends who are expecting who either have been married for a shorter period of time than the hubs and I or aren't even married. I feel that awful pang of jealousy rising. I try to squelch it, but it's there. Don't get me wrong. I'm happy for them, I just wish I was in the same boat as they are. I want to be going through the same things that they are. And I get to thinking: "Why did God let them get pregnant and not me? Why did He bless them, but I'm still here waiting?" I struggle with this often. Sometimes it's not as much or obvious as other times, but it's always there. A little nagging in the back of my mind. I'm just ready to be pregnant. But it's not my time. As much as I want it to be it's not my time and it's not about "my time." It's about His time.

I have to trust that God's timing is perfect. He will give us children when the time is right. Just as He has provided for us in the past. He has not abandoned us. He is guiding us down His path. I just have to trust that for fact.

There's a different between knowing and trusting. I know that what I say is true. He has a perfect time for everything. Ecclesiastes 3:11 says "He has made everything beautiful in its time." In its time. Not in my time. It's such a difficult thing for me to accept! I try. I understand. I just don't trust and believe. I struggle with trusting and believing.

but His timing is perfect. 

I must trust that, as difficult as it is for me.

And until He does bless me with children, I can share the love I have with the children around me. They need love. Sometimes more than I realize. I just have to be conscious of what God is laying on my heart and trust Him to lead me where I need to go.

At the moment I feeling a tug at my heart. I don't know exactly what the tug is pulling me toward, but I'm doing my best to trust in God and follow His way.

19 March 2012

A hiking we will go.

Saturday the hubs and I went hiking for our date day. It was rather fun! We hiked probably around 6 miles. I am so sore! It was a beautiful day for a hike. Not too hot and not too cold. Just right. I did get a little sun burnt from the day. Who knew that I could get a sunburn in March! It's been crazy weather, but I do love it!