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07 May 2013

Thoughts and Questions!

I've had quite a few people ask me questions about cloth diapering. That being said, I've been thinking about doing a Q&A about all things cloth diapers for those who have questions. 

So, if you have any questions about cloth diapering and need someone to ask them feel free to email me @ beautifulfamilyaffairs{at}gmail{dot}com. If you're reading this from my Facebook link, feel free to private message me.

06 May 2013

Our Weekend

This weekend was nasty. It rained - no, it poured - all day Saturday and most of the day Sunday. 

So Saturday, it rained all day. As most of you know we're in the process of slowly renovating our house, starting with the master bath. Well, we started renovations last weekend. 3 days the hubby worked 12+ hours on it. And it still wasn't finished. The people who built this house were lazy and nothing was squared or plumbed or built right. Go figure. Anyway, Saturday was going to be the day that the hubs finished the project. His best friend was coming to help. But, as with most projects, things didn't go as planned. The good news is, they got the sheet rock back up and tile on the floor. But the stupid glue still isn't dry. Why, you wonder...Rain. All this ridiculous rain.

So we're still without a working bathroom. We have Bug's bathroom, but she doesn't have a shower - just a bath. So we do have a toilet and sink...but we don't have a shower...

Anyway, this brings us to Sunday. We're getting ready for church (running late as always) and go to put the dog in the basement (he's not allowed to stay upstairs while we're away because he ruins things) when the hubs yells up and informs me the basement has flooded. 


Yes. Seriously. So that nixes the idea of the hubs going to church. He now must fix what the rain has gifted us with. Water all throughout the basement. 

I've got to keep an eye on it today as well, seeing as the rain has not stopped

Oh well. Here's hoping the rain stops. The tile dries. And the sun comes out. I need a good sunshine-y day. And a good sunshine-y weekend. We need to paint the outside of this house before our windows come in!

Here's a sneak peak of the bathroom with tile :)

05 May 2013

May is for Moms

Today I'm linking up with Amy @ Not Your Average Crazy for her series "May is for Moms." Today is all about an interview with myself...

An Interview with Myself

1. Before you ever even had children, how did you feel about being a mother?

Now, my mom will tell you otherwise, but as long as I can remember, I wanted to be a mother. I think where we get our lines crossed is what I wanted to do before I had kids. I knew I wanted to travel, but when I was ready to settle down, I wanted kids. How many kids? I would be okay with 6 or more (I want a big family), but my husband and I are talking about 4. We'll see though and we'll be happy with however many God grants us!

2. Since becoming a mother, what is something that has happened that you never thought would?

I knew I would feel an immense amount of love for my little girl, but I never imagined just how much love I would fill. I look at her and my heart just soars. It is an amazing feeling. Also, I never knew I had such instincts. That I could look at her and know (most of the time) what she needs or how to handle the situation.  I knew to expect the being peed on and being pooped on. That didn't come as a shocker at all. Haha

3. Is being a mother less difficult, more difficult or exactly how difficult you imagined?

I don't know if I ever truly imagined what motherhood would exactly entail. I don't want to say it's not difficult, it is, but being a mother is the most natural thing I've ever done.

4. What is your fondest memory of being a mother (so far)?

Fondest memory...That one's hard. There's nothing like holding your child for the first time. But then there's her first real smile, or any smile. And now she's cooing up a storm. I honestly love every moment with my little one. It's been truly a joy to have her in my life.

5. If your children only learn one life lesson from you, what do you hope it is?

The one thing I want my daughter to learn is how much God loves her. That He sent His only Son to die for her and that He wants her to have everlasting life with Him. It is so important to me that she knows this, anything else falls by the wayside as long as she learns how much He loves her.

04 May 2013

Wonders in this universe

I want to look for these wonders. I don't want them to pass me by. I am going to look hard for these wonders and I am going to take joy in them and praise the One who created them.

**this is not a quote from the actual Vincent Van Gogh, rather it is said by the character Vincent in the episode Vincent and the Doctor from the Doctor Who series**

03 May 2013

Friday's Letters

Dear Weekend, What is up with this weather?! We need sunny weather over here do to the fact that we need to paint before our brand new windows get put in! Dear Hubs, You are seriously rocking this whole home reno thing! I mean seriously! Thank you so much for working so incredibly hard! You rock and I am so blessed to call you mine! Our brand new bathroom is going to be awesome! Dear Bug, As I type this you are "napping." Rather, you'd prefer to play with your feet than nap. A new and fun discovery you've made in the past week. It's rather cute! Other new things this week...You're laughing! Precious! Dear Car, Please don't let there be anything seriously wrong with you. We kinda need you around these parts, seeing as we can't go anywhere as a family without you. The hubs's truck is a single cab and I don't think we can fit Bug in there with us. Dear Braves, The Mets are coming into town, so you better snap out of this little funk. Dear Football Season, Are you here yet? Dear Readers, Here is an adorable laughing baby to start your weekend off right. (Ignore the videography, it's safe to say I'm not an expert at recording videos quite yet...I'm working on it)


02 May 2013

Intentional Living

As a new mom, life takes on a new meaning. A new purpose. A new responsibility. A new life.

I want live with an intentional, joy seeking heart. 

I want to look for the good in life, despite all the tragedy that surrounds.
I want to be wise with my time.
I want to be healthy.
I want to exercise.
I want to watch less tv and listen to more music.
I want to put more into my relationships.
I want to enjoy life.
I want to see the beauty that is all around.
I want to dance with my daughter.
I want to rock my baby to sleep.
I want to be a Proverbs 31 wife.
I want to spend more time growing in my relationship with my Heavenly Father.
I want to live the life He has planned for me.
I want to smile.
I want to laugh.
I want to love.

Living intentionally. Living with a purpose. 

That is my goal. 

inspired by Casey Wiegand

01 May 2013

Life Lately


She's trying so hard to roll over!!// There's nothing cuter than a naked baby! // Demolition on our master bath begins!


No more bathroom // Sleeping peacefully // After midnight and renovations are going strong 


Rocking the Wyoming shirt from Aunt Rebekah! // We have 3 walls and a tub! // Morning cuddles with Mommy


Entertaining herself with the front view camera during small group // Reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets // "What's up, Mom?"

Go Braves!!

Clearly life has been a little busy here. Follow me on Instagram to keep up with life here