I'm getting to the point where I should be getting things in order for "the big day." Less that 5 weeks until her due date, and all we have is the car seat in the car. I don't have a single bag packed, for myself or for the baby. I had lists made up, in fact, I had the list made up about a month ago, but that was about it. Here is what I have for my list:
Packing for the Baby:
- Swaddle blankets/baby blanket
- Going home outfit
- Mittens
Nail clippersVaseline- 3 outfits (newborn and 0-3 months)
WipesNasal aspirator- Newborn Diapers
- Socks
That's the list I've come up with for baby girl's bag. After our hospital tour, I've come up with a new list. The items I've crossed off are the ones that the hospital said they provided. They also provide diapers, mittens, and socks, but I decided to bring those anyway. *Baby girl's bag is officially packed and ready to go!*
Packing for Mom:
- Robe
- Slippers/flip flops
- Non-skid socks
- Camera/Camera charger
- Boppy
- Shampoo/toothbrush/toothpaste/deodorant (travel size)
- iPhone/iPhone charger
- Chapstick
- Nursing tank tops/outfits
- Snacks for Daddy
- Going home outfit
- Towels
- Pillow
- Lanolin cream
- Chocolate
- Granny panties
- Sports bras/nursing bras
- Baggy pajamas
- Tennis ball
- Laptop (maybe)
- Change for vending machines
- Pads
- Additional tote for freebies
- Cookies for nurses
This is the list for me. Too much? Probably. But as the Boy Scout saying goes: "Always be prepared." Plus, my husband is a big fan of over packing. I just think that I'd rather have everything there with me, so that I have it just in case. My bag is not packed though, nor is it close to being packed. I need to get on that though...I've been cramping a lot today, which just means we're one step closer to her being here!
Speaking of her getting here, people have constantly asked me about my birthing plan. All the websites and books say to make one and write it down. To "be specific" about what you want and then to have multiple copies so that everyone dealing with your delivery will know and honor your birthing plan. I've put a lot of prayer and thought into my own personal birthing plan. In the end, this is what I came up with:
Birthing Plan
- Have a healthy baby
That's it. That's the extent of my birth plan. I would like to be able to have a natural childbirth, but seeing as I've never had a child before, I don't know how my body is going to react. I have faith that God created and equipped my body for childbirth, and that's what I'm relying on. But I'm not set on having a drug-free labor and delivery. If it's better for me and the baby, then I will have the drugs. I just want my baby here and healthy. Like I said, I would love to have a natural childbirth, and for now that is the plan...but I will do whatever it takes to get my baby here safe and sound.