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22 January 2012

Project 52 -- Week 3

It's been a nice relaxing weekend filled with lots and lots of laundry. Here's to actually working a Monday (first Monday in a month of working).

20 January 2012


My weekend consists of cleaning and doing laundry. Things I might have forgotten neglected during this crazy week. Maybe I can throw in some thrifting and crafting amidst the cleaning.


19 January 2012


Let's face it. 
I like food. 
Most people like food. 
Some too much. 
Some not enough. 
I like food.

For some people, like me, it's hard to eat. I have a "gluten-intolerance" (at least that's what I call it, I haven't officially been diagnosed). This means eating anything with gluten in it makes me very ill. What has gluten in it? Everything Wheat, barley, and rye. Not that big of a deal. Right? It's easy to get around. Right? Wrong. Everything has gluten in it. Including types of vinegar, processed meats, and even shampoo. No I don't eat shampoo, but if I touch my hair after washing it with said shampoo and it gets into the food that could be bad. It's complicated.

Needless to say, it makes life difficult. Eating out has become something that is relatively nonexistent {not that I'm complaining, it's saved us a ton of money that we've had to spend on gluten-free food}. I've actually had to start reading labels and paying attention to what I buy. Not only because of price, because what's in it could potentially make me ill. 

Thankfully, there is more awareness now then there was even a couple of years ago. So things are getting more expensive easier. I can still eat corn, potatoes, and rice, so any flour made out solely of those three ingredients I can use. It's just difficult learning a new way to cook and having to cook because it's not as easy as going out for fast food. Basically it's a new adventure and I'm looking forward to discovering new foods for the hubs and I to enjoy. 


18 January 2012

Baby Fever

To become a family. It's something I've always dreamed of. 
To be a mother. It's something I've always wanted to be.

I can only imagine what it would be like to hold a newborn child. To see hubs holding his son/daughter. I can only dream of that and boy, I cannot wait for that to be reality. There is just something deep within me that just longs to be a mother. That maternal instinct. I can feel it bubbling up inside of me, and at times I could cry because I just want to be a mother so badly. And Pinterest isn't helping me one bit. 

But I know there's a time and a season for that, and right now is not that time. I'm having to rely on the knowledge that God knows better than me. His plans are perfect. I have to have faith He knows what He's doing and I have to have wisdom to follow that plan. He knows what is best for me, even if I don't agree at the moment, and I want to honor Him and follow His plan. It's not easy. By no means is it easy. I fight it every step of the way. But I know I need to start waking up every morning proclaiming, "not my will, but Yours."

So here's to a new day and a new beginning. One that will bring heartache and joy. But that's what life brings. It's a guarantee. And that's okay. Without heartache there wouldn't be joy. That's the truth of the matter. 

So to end this little rant I'm going to indulge you with the cutest baby things I could find. This isn't helping my baby fever, oh well.


17 January 2012


There's nothing better than taking off your shoes after a long day, especially when it wasn't in the cards for you to be on your feet at all that day.


15 January 2012

Project 52 - Week 2


This has been one crazy week and I am more than thankful for the day off tomorrow to recover. I hope everyone has a wonderful MLK Jr. Day!

13 January 2012

It's Friday...

...and I'm exhausted. It's taken a lot longer to get back into the swing of things than I ever thought possible. I feel like I've left my mind back in break, and I honestly don't know when it's going to catch up with me. But today is Friday, and it's a three day weekend.

This weekend I'm going to my grandparent's house for a belated Christmas and birthday with them. This is one of those things that I completely forgot about. It just seemed to slip through my mind with all of the other things that I've forgotten about. But today is Friday, and it's a three day weekend.

On a happy note, hubs gets to join me in this three day weekend. So when he gets done with work tonight we get three days off together (minus the whole going-to-grandma's thing, I almost forgot again) until Monday night. It will be nice to relax with him after finally feeling better. And hey, today is Friday and it's a three day weekend.

Do you notice a theme here? Thank goodness it's Friday. Now I want to watch Disney movies and curl up with the hubs with hot chocolate and a fire roaring in the fireplace.

Here's to a relaxing weekend.