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17 August 2013

Let's Make Habits: Week 1

source//words mine

I'm joining Jenny again this week in her series about making habits. Last week we talked about what our goal for this two month challenge. I decided my goal was to get organized, and you can read all about why here. This week we are to come up with a schedule.

Let it be known, that one of my on repeat New Years resolutions is to get organized, but somehow I always get intimidated by the overwhelming job it is to get organized. I seem to want to tackle it all in one go, get discouraged, and then I end up taking a break that lasts until the new year rolls around again. This time I'm coming up with a schedule to hopefully urge me on in my conquest to organize this house of mine.

Week 1 (August 18-24):
* clean out fridge
* organize cabinets
*organize pantry
* baby proof cabinets with cleaning supplies and knives

Week 2 (August 25-31):
Dining Room
* organze table
*clean up and organize "bar cart"

Week 3 (September 1-7):
Living room/Entryway
*clean up toys
*organize tv cabinet
*clean out fireplace

Week 4 (September 8-14):
Bug's Bedroom
*clean out drawers
*organize drawers
*change out clothes sizes
*put clothes that don't fit in storage

Week 5 (September 15-21):
Bug's bathroom/Master bath
*deep clean toilet
*deep clean tub
*scrub floors
*organize under the sink
*organize medicine cabinet

Week 6 (September 22-28):
Master Bedroom
*organize dressers
*organize closet
*go through clothes to donate old ones

Week 7 (September 29-October 5):
Guest Bedroom
*gut and start all over

Week 8 (October 6-12):
Hall Closets
*gut and start all over

My plan is to tackle things room by room in order for them not to get too overwhelming. Of course, the guest room is totally terrifying. It's been our "catch all" room and I'm ready for it to be better. I want to be able to walk in there without cringing. I also want to be able to find things in there. 

I think the end result will be the satisfaction of having a nice clean house where everything has a place and there's a place for everything. I also, just maybe, might splurge on some awesome new things for our house. We'll just see what ends up happening.

Jenny Highsmith

16 August 2013

A Week In Review - A New Link Up!

10 August - 16 August

This week has been very...difficult. I have had a cold for most of the week, and now Bug has a cold. Sunday was a long day of work, and that coupled with being sick and a cluster headache, I was not a very fun person to be around. It breaks my heart that Bug now has a cold too. So we have really laid low this week. The weather the past few days has been glorious. Who knew it could be in the 70s in the middle of August in Georgia! Bug and I definitely took advantage of the weather and spent some time walking outside. Along, with the sickness, there's a lot of other stuff going on. Choices that need to be made. I'm not ready to go into full detail about everything, but there has been a lot placed on our plates. Right now, we're just trusting God to get us where we need to be. To put everyone's minds at ease, we are all okay, we're just having to rely on God for a lot of things right now. And that's okay. He has everything planned for us. We're just waiting on doors to be opened.

On a good note: Bug said her first word! "Mama!" My heart is soaring sky high to hear my little girl say "mama." The hubs was giving her a hug before he left for work and she wanted to come back to me. I told her "not before you say 'mama'." And by golly, she said "mama" right then and there! I can't make this stuff up people! My heart is so incredibly happy right now.

top left://Bug's Christmas Eve jammies came in! Now to put them away and forget about them until Christmas Eve is actually here! top right://This is how Bug naps on sick days. She refused to lay down in her crib, so Mommy's chest would have to do. I don't think she was complaining. bottom left://The hubs took an extra day off work for our anniversary, so we went and wandered around the new outlet malls. It was 68*F outside. 68*F. In August. In Georgia. bottom right://Bug is so close to crawling! It'll be just a matter of days before she's following me around everywhere.

feel free to grab a button and link up!

A Week In Review

15 August 2013

4 Years Ago...

4 years ago today I married my best friend. 

I can honestly say that I love him more now than I did then.

He is truly my best friend.

And the greatest father.

I am so thankful that I get to spend the rest of my life with this man, and I can't wait to see where God takes us on this journey!

Gitchee gitchee goo!

12 August 2013

Let's Make Habits: Choosing a Goal

I have been following Jenny over at her blog for a while now. Both Jenny and I graduated the same year from Berry College. I found her blog and just got pulled in. She has such a creative spirit and is incredibly talented. 

She has created a new series called "Let's Make Habits" where we come up with different goals and over a 2 month period we work toward making those goals a habit. 

So now I have to think of what do I want to make a habit. Immediately my brain starts spinning. I want to work out, I want to get outside more, I want to start eating clean. But I think the one that stands out most in my mind is: I want to get organized. 

With a 7 month new baby and an almost crawler, anything out of place and on the floor has a flashing light that seems to attract her. She's at the curious stage where she just wants to explore and if she can put it in her mouth, she most certainly will. Hence my new goal of getting organized. I know it's impossible to keep her out of everything, but I would be happy with at least attempting to get things neater and find a place for things that as of now don't have a place. 

Also, there are toys that come along with a baby getting older and older. These toys need a place to go. So not only do I need to organize, but I need to find a new home for all of these toys and things. 

See what I mean? We've been over run with toys. 

So here it goes...Two months to get organized. Check back next week to see my progress and my plan of attack!

Jenny Highsmith

11 August 2013

Mommy Moments Blog Hop!

Hey mamas!
Welcome back for another great week of Mommy Moments Link Ups! Thank you for linking up and for spreading the word last week! We love all of the great posts!

 This week's most viewed link belongs to Cara from The Building of a House And Family! Her post Paci And Potty Training must have sparked something last week as she had over 20 visitors from the link up alone! I guess all moms want to know the tricks to taking the paci away and of course, potty training. Well, stop by and see how Cara did it!

Now it's time to link up your posts! All you have to do is...

1. Follow Host: The Life Of Faith 
2. Link up your post!
Post can include anything related to mommy-hood, children, homemaking, pregnancy etc. If you aren't a mom yet, feel free to link up your preparation for motherhood, your journey as you try to conceive, or even a post that would be encouraging to the other moms in the party!

3. Add the Mommy Moments button to your post or blog so everyone knows where you are linking up!

4. Explore some of the other posts in the link-up and say hello to some new blog friends! 

5. Tweet or Share the link up on Facebook so we can all make even more friends!

The Life Of Faith
<div align="center"><a href="" title="The Life Of Faith"><img src="" alt="The Life Of Faith" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

P.S. We will be having a new guest host every week! Want to be a guest host of the Mommy Moments Blog Hop? Send Faith a message at farmprincess14{at}gmail{dot}com. We would love to have you!

09 August 2013

Friday's Letters

Dear Friday, Welcome. It has been a hard week with me being sick since Wednesday. I'm looking forward to the weekend, even though it's going to be busier than my week was. Dear Bug, You have been extra cuddly this week. I'm not complaining one bit! I like my cuddly baby. Dear Hubs, I am so incredibly proud of you! I'm sorry I've been sick, but you've been amazing! I'm so proud of how you are leading our little family. Dear Sore Throat, Please go away. I'm really over this whole being sick thing. Dear College Football, Just a few more weeks until you're here! It's been a long, long spring and summer without you!

07 August 2013

From My Kid's Closet: Mom and Me

This picture was taken earlier this summer, but I absolutely love it!

My Outfit: Shirt - Old Navy; Shorts - Old Navy; Boots - Horse Town

Bug's Outfit: Bow - Dainty Diva Bows; Dress - Bass Pro; Boots - Belk

From My Kids Closet 200x200 photo FromMyKidsCloset200x200_zps126f4090.jpg