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23 October 2012

28 Weeks!

How far along: 28 weeks !

Trimester: Third and final trimester!!!!!

Baby size: Cucumber - 17 inches and just over 2.5 pounds!

Toes: They're getting harder and harder to see every day.

Gender: BABY GIRL!

Movement: This girl loves to move! Especially when music is playing! It makes me smile. I can't wait to sign her up for her first ballet class!

Cravings: Food. Please. Food. I just need food! My sweet tooth has picked up, though it could be because there are so many yummy sweet treats that are fall-iscious.

Aversions: I tried chicken again...I nearly threw up. It was horrible. No thank you.

Nausea/Morning sickness: No more! Just tired now, and constantly out of breath. Round ligament pain, itchy and stretchy skin, heartburn, acid re-flux, some slight dizziness, and hip and back pain, but nothing to complain about :) Also, I'm beginning to experience Braxton Hicks contractions.

Maternity clothes: Yes yes and yes. I love them. I'm definitely one of those women who is proud to wear my maternity pants. They're just too comfortable to pass up.

Best moment of the week: We got some new things for you! Well, knew to us. We got your swing, some bouncies, and the most adorable clothes! I'm so excited for her to gt here and share them with her!

What I'm looking forward to: Is it too far away to say that I'm looking forward Thanksgiving? I'm looking forward to having the week off and being able to spend it with the hubs.

Well, I failed the one hour glucose test and I'm waiting to hear back about the three hour. I went and had that done yesterday, so I should be hearing about it sooner than later. Last time, they called me immediately when I failed. So I guess the longer it takes them to call me, the chances of me passing grow. At least that's the way I'm going to look at it. Optimism is key right?

The Life Of Faith

18 October 2012

It's just not that easy

Well, my glucose screening was yesterday. I failed. It kinda makes me laugh right now. It's just one more thing that I have to worry about. Not that I'm truly worried about it. Everyone I've talked to has told me that they didn't pass and it's nothing to worry about. So, on that note, I'm trying my best not to worry. It does however mean that I have to take the 3 hour test. Maybe, because I have three hours to kill while they draw my blood, the hubs will let me get a new book. I don't know if he will, but it'll be worth the try. No, I'm not too ashamed to play the pity card for a new book. And the newest one in a series I've been reading came out earlier this month! Here's hoping he'll let me get it.

16 October 2012


Today has been a rough day and all I want to do right now is cuddle with my baby girl. Unfortunately, I've got 13 more weeks until that is possible. That is if she comes on her due date. I just want her to know that she is loved and cared for. I tell her every day that I love her and give her belly hugs and she rewards me with kicks and punches. But I want to cover her in kisses and snuggles. I'll have to wait though, and that is okay. As the hubs says, "She's not done cooking yet." He's right of course. I want her to finish "cooking" but that doesn't lessen my desire to hold her and love on her.

Doesn't cuddling just look divine? 

15 October 2012

27 Weeks!

How far along: 27 weeks !

Trimester: Last month of the Second Trimester!!!

Baby size: Cucumber - 15 inches and just over 2 pounds!

Toes: They're getting harder and harder to see every day.

Gender: BABY GIRL!

Movement: This girl loves to move! Well, as long as no one wants to feel her move. The instant a hand goes to my belly she stops. I can feel her laughing at the disappointment others have felt.

Cravings: Food. Please. Food. I just need food! My sweet tooth has picked up, though it could be because there are so many yummy sweet treats that are fall-iscious.

Aversions: I tried chicken again...I nearly threw up. It was horrible. No thank you.

Nausea/Morning sickness: No more! Just tired now, and constantly out of breath. Round ligament pain, itchy and stretchy skin, heartburn, acid re-flux, some slight dizziness, and hip and back pain, but nothing to complain about :) Also, I'm beginning to experience Braxton Hicks contractions.

Maternity clothes: Yes yes and yes. I love them. I'm definitely one of those women who is proud to wear my maternity pants. They're just too comfortable to pass up.

Best moment of the week: We got to hang out with friends this weekend and go to the Apple Festival in Ellijay. It was a beautiful day and we had lots of fun!

What I'm [not] looking forward to: Glucose test is this Wednesday. Yucky.

So I'm leaving the second trimester and entering the third. Rather, it feels like I'm getting kicked out of the second trimester and the third is coming on with vengeance. Nausea is starting to come back. But I'm fighting it with tooth and nails. Less than 3 months until my baby girl is here!! I can't wait!!

Mommy Moments Blog Hop

12 October 2012


I am carrying this little one like a boy. Everyone always seems so shocked when I tell them, nope, it's a girl. A precious little girl whom I love dearly! 

At least that's what the last ultrasound said...and they seem to be more reliable than the old wives tales.

10 October 2012


I've survived my first major emotional meltdown. How did I cope?

I'm not sure I'm satisfied with everything I rearranged. But that's okay. I'm sure I'll have more meltdowns and that will be okay because I can just rearrange it all again.

08 October 2012

26 Weeks!!

How far along: 26 weeks !

Trimester: Last month of the Second Trimester!!!

Baby size: An English hothouse cucumber- 14 inches and 2 pounds! Getting bigger and bigger, which can be seen by my ever growing belly!

Toes: They're getting harder and harder to see every day.

Gender: BABY GIRL!

Movement: She keeps moving and flipping, but I can tell it's getting harder for her to move. I'm beginning to notice a pattern to her movements as well.

Cravings: Food. Please. Food. I just need food! My sweet tooth has picked up, though it could be because there are so many yummy sweet treats that are fall-iscious.

Aversions: I've tried chicken, and it's okay...still not my favorite though.

Nausea/Morning sickness: No more! Just tired now, and constantly out of breath. Round ligament pain, itchy and stretchy skin, heartburn, acid re-flux, some slight dizziness, and hip and back pain, but nothing to complain about :) Also, I'm beginning to experience Braxton Hicks contractions.

Maternity clothes: Yes yes and yes. I love them. I'm definitely one of those women who is proud to wear my maternity pants. They're just too comfortable to pass up.

Best moment of the week: Your daddy got to really feel you kick this week. It was a very special moment and I was so happy that he could experience just a little bit of what I feel many times throughout the day.

What I'm looking forward to: The Apple Festival this weekend with dear friends! I'm so excited to get out and enjoy this cool weather. 

I feel like recently my stomach has grown exponentially. And I'm loving it! I mean there's no denying I'm pregnant with this little basketball belly. Of course, I know I'm only going to get bigger from here, but I welcome it. I love my ever-growing belly. It's fun to dress up, and it shocked me when I went to put on one of my "small" t-shirts and it barely covered my stomach! Once again, I love it!!

The Life Of Faith

My Joy-Filled Life