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Showing posts with label monthly updates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label monthly updates. Show all posts

17 May 2013

4 Months!

weight: 16 lbs 7.5 oz (90%)      
height: 25 1/2 in (90%)
eating: every 2.5-3 hours still; exclusively breastfed
tummy time: loves tummy time and is starting to enjoy it for longer periods of time!
happiness: happy as a clam! she's cooing and talking and squealing now!
loves: cuddles, Lamaze toys, exersaucer, "piano", her feet, her hands in her mouth, anything in her mouth, and rattles
sleep: between 8 and 11 hours! last night she slept 11 hours straight! still loving that crib!

She's gained another pound and 1/2 (almost 2!) in the past month! Such a good eater! Now she not only has leg and knee rolls, but she's getting arm and wrist rolls as well. And of course there's the adorable double chin. How come babies can have double chins and rolls and it's cute? Not fair! 

Still no rolling over. She's good at getting half way there, but then she seems stuck. It won't be long though before she accomplishes it! Then I'll definitely have my hands full with a little mover. Time to start thinking about baby proofing.

She's still in 3-6 month clothing, with some 6 months and 6-9 months. This girl is chunky and needs all the room she can get in her clothes. When we use disposable diapers, she's in size two, and we've changed the size in cloth as well.

She still always has those hands in her mouth! And we can't go far without a bib or burp cloth with all the drool. Still no teeth yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if they're not far off. 

We celebrated my first Mother's Day this past month and baby dedication at church. You were such a trooper and everybody just loved your rolls. I have to say, you were the cutest baby there. Then again, I might be a little biased.

Dear Bug, 
You are truly a joy! I can't imagine life without you. It's hard to believe that it's been 4 months. In some ways, I feel like you were just born. In others, I feel like you've been with us forever. You are definitely developing your own little personality. That squeal of yours is becoming your go-to means of communication. I can't help but laugh. You've started mocking me too. It's been so much fun watching you learn and grow! I can't wait to see where God will take you. He has big plans for you, Bug, and it's going to be so fun to watch you shine.
Gitchee gitchee goo!
Mommy and Daddy

18 April 2013

3 Months!

weight: 15 lbs 2 oz      
height: 23 1/2 in
eating: every 2-4 hours still; exclusively breastfed
tummy time: beginning to love it more and more!
happiness: starting to smile more and more and talking up a storm; we're starting to have "conversations" now!
loves: cuddles, Lamaze toys, play gym, looking at herself in the mirror or phone
sleep: between 6 and 8 hours a night depending (however, last night little bug woke up every two hours wanting her paci); officially in the crib!

Bug has gained 2 pounds in the past month! Her rolls are getting more and more pronounced! They're just adorable! She still hasn't accomplished the whole rolling over thing. She makes it to her side and then gets really frustrated when she can't make it the rest of  the way. Maybe she'll accomplish the feat this month!

This was her last day in 0-3 month clothing, and believe me, it was a tight fit. She's officially moved into 3-6  month clothing. She needs something bigger to house all her rolls. I'm in the process of changing out her clothes once again. It makes me sad to pack away all of her little clothes. She's getting bigger and bigger.

Bug has started "talking" to us and having conversations! It's the best thing ever! I love hearing her talk and seeing her smile when we respond to her.

She loves her fingers and looking at herself in the mirror. She's also started drooling tons and tons. We've had to bring out the bibs so her clothes don't get completely soaked. I'm hoping it's still too soon for her to be cutting teeth! I'm not ready to go through that just yet...

The hubs and I went on our first date without baby this past month. Bibi and Papí watched Bug for us. The hubs had the night all planned out. He surprised me with tickets to go and see Mary Poppins at the Fabulous Fox Theatre! It was a wonderful night, but I was happy to see Bug by the end. And smart man took me to a theatre where I could text my mom every few minutes to see how she was doing.

She's always playing with her hands now! I love the way she holds them together. 

She's officially in her crib and sleeping great (for the most part...we won't count last night).

Dear Bug, 
You are such a joy! Such a gift! I thank God every day for blessing us with you. You're learning up a storm these days and even mimicking our facial expressions! We love you so much Bug. We're a family because of you. Every month there's something new you've discovered and it's so much fun seeing the joy on your face as you discover it. You're ready to take the world on, but please slow down just a smidgen. Your daddy and I want to cherish every moment we have with you and we don't want you to grow up too fast!
Gitchee gitchee goo!
Mommy and Daddy

19 March 2013

2 Months! and St. Patrick's Day

Bug turned 2 months on St. Patty's Day!

Well, Bug passed the 13 lb mark! She is such a chunk and I love it! Also, she's starting to roll over! Or at least try to. She made it all the way over once while we were laying in bed, but typically she just makes it to her side and can't quite go the whole way. 

We also have a mover! 

I found her halfway off her mat! I just love the look she's giving me! So adorable!

She's still in 0-3 month clothing, but can also fit into 3-6 month! I put away all of her newborn clothes...and cried. But I found some really cute summer clothes that are 3-6 month that I'm excited for her to wear, so it made it all better.

We've also started transitioning her to her crib. So far she's spent two nights in there. It has altered her sleeping a little. The first night she woke up every 3 hours, but last night her long stretch was 4.5 hours. I'm thinking she might be going through another growth spurt. I am ready for her to get back to her 6 hours though! ** I'll do a whole post devoted to transitioning **

This was at our 2 month check-up. She did awesome! Then came the vaccines...She got her first shot. She screamed...I cried...It was not pretty. Of course, I think it hurt me more than it hurt her. We got home though and I decided it would be a day of cuddling. So that's all we did. Cuddle. I thoroughly enjoyed my day of cuddling! All she wanted to do was sleep and I was a-okay with that! I love having my Bug sleep in my arms!

Today my girl is back to her old self and just as happy and smile-y as can be! 

Dear Bug, I am just loving our time together! Each day you do something new! Even though I'm sad to see you growing up so quickly, I'm loving each new stage! You're no longer my newborn baby, but you've grown and are developing your own personality. I love that you're a little stingy with your smiles. It makes them so much more special when you give one. I love kissing your cheeks and "talking" with you! 
It's been such a great ride, Bug! You fit our family perfectly and I'm so excited to see you grow up!

Gitchee Gitchee Go (it means "I love you!")
Mommy and Daddy 

17 February 2013

1 Month!

Dear Baby Girl,

It's hard to believe you're already a month old! I'm loving every minute of this stage of your life! You're such a precious gift and I fall more in love with you every day (if that's even possible). You love to cuddle and be held. In fact, one night this past week you woke up screaming, but the instant I had you in my arms you went straight back to sleep. So you joined us in bed for a few hours. It was so sweet to have you cuddled up next to me. I just love it! 

You went through your first growth spurt and through us all for a loop. We had you on such a great schedule, and then you up and decided to change it on us. Oh well. You're definitely keeping us on our toes. I love discovering life with you. Your coos and "talking" are just precious! You're really developing those lungs. 

We started you off on tummy time, and I don't think you know what to do with yourself. You'll stay there for a minute just as happy as can be talking up a storm, and then the next minute you're done. It's precious.

Things you love:
Your swing
Your Rock n Play
Your mat

Daddy and I just love you, Baby Girl and we're so excited about watching you grow up and learn new things! Just don't grow up too fast okay?

Love, Mommy