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12 March 2014

Comparisons: Baby 1 and Baby 2

Well, we officially know the gender of baby 2, but we don't know exactly when we'll announce. First we have to tell family and then we'll decide. I'm only 15 weeks, so we might wait until my 20 week anatomy scan before we officially announce. 

That being said, I thought I'd get a poll going (at the bottom of the post) to see what y'all thing. Before you vote though, I thought it'd be fun to compare both pregnancies. I got the idea from Callie over at Through Clouded Glass who is pregnant with her third! And she is absolutely glowing! If you're looking for a great Mommy blog, check her out!

"Every pregnancy is different." 

I can't tell you how many times I've heard that since becoming pregnant this go around, and boy has it rang true! Everything has been different. And I mean everything.


With Bug: Dairy

With Baby 2: Salty, spicy, meat, chili


With Bug: Meat, chicken

With Baby 2: Chicken, cheese, sweet things

What Side Do You Sleep On?

With Bug: Right side

With Baby 2: Left side or back 

Morning Sickness

With Bug: Come second trimester, it was slowly fading

With Baby 2: I'm still getting waves coming on 15+ weeks. This better end soon!


With Bug: I feel like I carried her pretty low, definitely right out front.

With Baby 2: I feel like baby is either in the same place as Bug or slightly higher. 

Baby's Heartrate

With Bug: in the 160s

Baby 2: 140s and 150s

Pregnancy Acne

With Bug: Beautiful, glowing skin!

With Baby 2: I feel like I'm going through puberty again! 

Chinese Gender Chart

With Bug: Boy

With Baby 2: Girl


With Bug: Didn't hit until 3rd trimester

With Baby 2: Where did this heartburn come from and why is it here so early?


  1. So fun to read the comparison! I think I may have to say boy, just because alot of things seem different. And thank you for the shout-out, Friend! You are so sweet. :-)

  2. How fun! I wish I had thought about doing this.

    Linked up from Mommy Moments!

  3. I left my whole reply on the voting form. Haha. Wishing you the best with your pregnancy.
    Angela @ Time with A & N
