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07 June 2013

Friday's Letters

Bug and I at a rest stop on our way down to Florida this time last week. 
She was such a trooper! I'm one proud mama right here!

Dear Friday, are you really here or are you just teasing me? I feel like this week has dragged on by and this day has taken forever to get here. I also have mixed feelings about you, Friday. I'm happy you're here, but I'm not sure I'm ready for the weekend you are bringing me. Dear Husband, You're officially working summer hours. I love now that I get to see you during the day and eat dinner with you, but it breaks my heart every time you have to leave again to go to your other job. But you're doing an amazing job! I'm so proud of you. Next week we get to celebrate your first "official" Father's Day. I hope you're ready! Dear Bug, You are one raspberry blowing girl these days! That means a ton of extra drool for this mama to deal with. It's super cute though. You're getting bigger and bigger each day. Can we slow down already? This morning you figured out how to put your own paci in your mouth! No more growing up now, I mean it! (Anybody want a peanut.) Dear Sunday, Ready or not here I come...My first official Sunday being in charge. (I was in charge last week too, I just wasn't there).



  1. Happy's REALLY HERE!!!!!!

    Judah LOVES blowing Raspberries too! It's SO cute! Enjoy your hubby :)

  2. Isn't it just amazing how quickly they grow up?? I want to put the brakes on as well. How can my baby girl be five months old already???? :-)

  3. Mine loves blowing raspberries too. So much drool!! Hahah.

    Yours is soo chubby, what a cutie!!!
