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03 April 2013

Favorite Things: 2 Months Edition

1. Fisher Price Rainforest Melodies & Lights Deluxe Gym - This little play gym has kept Bug entertained for hours while I busy myself around the house cooking and cleaning (or updating this blog). The lights and sounds keep her mesmerized. Both of us just love this!

2. Skip Hop Bento Tote Diaper Bag - I personally love this bag! I can fit everything in it. Plus it's easy to tote around and it has a place for everything.

3 & 4. Lamaze Toys - Bug absolutely loves batting at these. I love the rings on #4. She swats at those and grabs at them and holds on for dear life. Plus they make noises as she hits them. She just goes to town with these, giggling and cooing. It's adorable!

5. Fisher Price Infant-to-Toddler Rocker - This is a new toy for the Bug. She watched as her daddy put it together and her face just lit up when we put her in it. The first night we put her in it, she played so hard she fell asleep. It was adorable! Plus this is great to pull into the kitchen with me, so she can hang out while I cook and do dishes.

6. Alva Baby Diapers - I am loving our cloth diapers by Alva Baby!! They are so soft and adorable! I really just can't get enough of them! (I know I said there would be a post on how I care for my cloth diapers, and it's on the way!)

01 April 2013

Bug's First Easter!

We dyed eggs with Bibi. 

Bug's Easter basket contained: bubbles, an outift + shoes, a sock monkey bunny, the Further Tales of Peter Rabbit, a rubber ducky, and her first "Bun Bun" made my me :)

Our first Easter as a family of three!

It was a crazy weekend. The hubs's family holds a sunrise service every Easter on the hill behind their house. We try and go every year. In fact, we've only missed one service the entire time we've been together and that was because we were moving. So I was religiously watching the weather to see what I needed to pack for Bug. Did I mention this was going to be her first time spending the night away from the house? I was a nervous wreck! So rain was predicted, but we were praying and crossing our fingers that everything would be okay. Otherwise, Bug and I would have to be camped out at the house while the hubs joined the family. 

So I packed everything up and we headed to the in-laws. It rained as we drove up there. Not a good sign. Thank goodness it stopped though, but not enough to have service up on the hill. It was too muddy to take the vehicles up there. So the service was moved to the arena across the street. That meant Bug and I could go! We got up before 6 and I prayed that she'd do alright. She had slept wonderfully that night, so I was hoping that it would bode for a good day. We got ready and made the trip across the street. I decided to wear her in the Infantino, and she fell right to sleep as we sang hims and watched the sunrise. It was absolutely precious to be holding my baby girl as we sang praises to God.

After the service, we joined everyone back at the house for breakfast. They were all anxious to meet the newest addition to the family. We ate a quick bite to eat and then had to run. We had to be back at our home church for the 9:30 service. So we changed and ran. Thankfully we were only a few minutes late. It was a wonderful service. We stayed for the 11 o'clock service to work with the kiddos. Then it was off to my parents' house for lunch and then the hubs's grandma's for dinner. 

It was wonderful to spend the day with family and friends. Bug was exhausted when we got home and ended up screaming crying herself to sleep. But in the end we had a wonderful Easter.

Happy (late) Easter everyone!

29 March 2013

Friday Letters

Dear Bug, thanks for sleeping like you did! You gave us a scare around 12:30 (your angelcare alarm went off), but you didn't even wake up for it! Clearly you were fine, just sleeping hard. You woke up an hour later and wanted your paci, but after that you slept through to 6:00. And thank you for waking up when you did! Daddy was going to be late if you hadn't have woken us up! Dear Hubs, Thank you for making it possible for me to stay home with our bundle! We love you so much! Dear Weekend, Please don't beat us up. You're going to be busy, filled with family and celebration, so please go smoothly. Dear Weather,  Please stay warm. Rumor has it you're going to cool down again. I'm not okay with that. Bug needs to get outside! Also, please don't rain this weekend! Sunrise service will not be my favorite if you decide to rain. 

Dear God, Thank You for sending Your Son to the cross to die for my sins. As I listen to my daughter coo and see her smile, I understand more and more the significance of what You did. The sacrifice You made. I couldn't imagine losing my daughter, willingly losing my daughter.So thank You. Thank You thank You thank You.


28 March 2013

The One Where My Dreams Come True

Well, it's official
I'm now a stay-at-home-mommy!

When the hubs and I started dated we did the usual "family talk." The first thing I said is that I wanted to stay at home and raise our kids. My mother did it and I loved that growing up. I wanted the same thing for my kids.

And now I have joined the league of women that is comprised of stay-at-home-mommies!

Bug and I on my first official day as a stay-at-home-mom. 

It took a lot of prayer and a lot of God. Okay. It took a ton of God. All God. We've been working for the past year to trim down expenses and the hubs has been trying to take on extra work so he can make up my salary. He was almost there when Bug came into the world, but we weren't there just yet. We had 12 weeks  to see if I had to go back to work for the end of the school year. I honestly didn't want to. I couldn't even fathom leaving my little girl with someone else, even if it were family members and only for 6 weeks. The thought killed me. I didn't want to miss her first giggle or the first time she rolled over. I couldn't bear it.

Two weeks ago, another job came open. It was honestly all God. He was orchestrating everything to give us that extra push to get me home. I'm crying write now as I think about how He worked to make my dreams come true. 

It's not easy being home though. Now the hubs is bearing the entire financial burden. He has to provide for us. But, as he's told me multiple times, he wouldn't have it any other way. He wanted me home with our girl as much as I wanted to be home. Yes, he's working 14+ hours a day and yes it's hard on us...but it's worth it. And we fully believe God is orchestrating a way for the hubs to be able to spend more time with us. God has already made it to where the hubs gets to be home with us on the weekend! 

To help out, we've switched to cloth diapers in hopes of saving money on that. Also, we've limited our driving to one car. This saves money on gas for us. I do get the car once a week to make a grocery run or run other errands. And if there's a pinch, my mom comes by after work and watches Bug while I borrow her car. So far it's worked out great and saved us a lot of money. I'm thinking about couponing as well (any couponers out there with any advice?) to help with grocery costs. We've also refinanced our house, that's where we're getting money for the renovations, to help reduce our monthly payments. 

Being a stay-at-home-mommy means that we won't ever have nice things. We don't have cable TV, we don't have nice cars, we don't go out to eat, we don't have all the luxuries, but it is all worth it. To both of us. We feel it is important for me to be home. We feel that God is calling me to be home. Even though it's going to be tough, we know that God is going to provide for us as long as we listen to Him and follow where He leads us. 

And now for cuteness:

22 March 2013

More on the Paint Front

So I may have jumped the gun with the whole "going brown" thing...I'm leaning toward different colors. We're having a hard time finding something due to the color of our shingles. They're this odd brown color and not the easiest thing to pair another paint color with.

I like this color combo.

I'm really loving this navy blue! In fact, this is what we're leaning towards and as of now our #1 choice! I can't decide though if I want to stay with that awesome yellow or go with an amazing red. Yes, this means I'm sacrificing my TARDIS blue door (I'm having mixed feelings about this).

I like this color as well, and with this color I can still do my TARDIS door!

Does brown go with grey?

Such a hard decision and it has to be the first decision made before the windows get installed. We might  be going to the HD this weekend to get samples. Unfortunately we won't be able to paint with those samples tomorrow because of a certain thing called rain and cold damp weather. 

I've started a Pinterest board with all my ideas on it. Hopefully I can get some organization to all these renovation thoughts floating around in my head.

20 March 2013

the Cloth Diaper Adventures #2

Well, we're a week in with this whole cloth diapering adventure. How am I feeling?

I'm still loving it!

We're doing cloth the majority of the time. The only time we switch to disposable is if we're going to be gone for the day. This past Saturday we made a day trip to South Carolina, so we made the trip in disposable. But Sunday, when we went to church and small group, we made the trip in cloth. They did spectacular! 

Like I said, I'm still pretty much smitten with these things! I love that they seem to be so much softer on her bum.

her first time in camo!

Plus I think they just look cute on her bum!

I'm still getting the hang of the whole caring for them thing, so give me another week and next week's post will cover the diaper's care!

Is that not the cutest cow bum you've ever seen?!

19 March 2013

2 Months! and St. Patrick's Day

Bug turned 2 months on St. Patty's Day!

Well, Bug passed the 13 lb mark! She is such a chunk and I love it! Also, she's starting to roll over! Or at least try to. She made it all the way over once while we were laying in bed, but typically she just makes it to her side and can't quite go the whole way. 

We also have a mover! 

I found her halfway off her mat! I just love the look she's giving me! So adorable!

She's still in 0-3 month clothing, but can also fit into 3-6 month! I put away all of her newborn clothes...and cried. But I found some really cute summer clothes that are 3-6 month that I'm excited for her to wear, so it made it all better.

We've also started transitioning her to her crib. So far she's spent two nights in there. It has altered her sleeping a little. The first night she woke up every 3 hours, but last night her long stretch was 4.5 hours. I'm thinking she might be going through another growth spurt. I am ready for her to get back to her 6 hours though! ** I'll do a whole post devoted to transitioning **

This was at our 2 month check-up. She did awesome! Then came the vaccines...She got her first shot. She screamed...I cried...It was not pretty. Of course, I think it hurt me more than it hurt her. We got home though and I decided it would be a day of cuddling. So that's all we did. Cuddle. I thoroughly enjoyed my day of cuddling! All she wanted to do was sleep and I was a-okay with that! I love having my Bug sleep in my arms!

Today my girl is back to her old self and just as happy and smile-y as can be! 

Dear Bug, I am just loving our time together! Each day you do something new! Even though I'm sad to see you growing up so quickly, I'm loving each new stage! You're no longer my newborn baby, but you've grown and are developing your own personality. I love that you're a little stingy with your smiles. It makes them so much more special when you give one. I love kissing your cheeks and "talking" with you! 
It's been such a great ride, Bug! You fit our family perfectly and I'm so excited to see you grow up!

Gitchee Gitchee Go (it means "I love you!")
Mommy and Daddy