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04 September 2013

Top 10 Reasons To Get Pregnant Right After Baby

10. You no longer need to cover up the belly. No more big t shirts or belly bands! You can let that bump shine once again!

9. Good excuse to indulge into those cravings, again. I can still use the excuse that I'm breastfeeding right?

8. You get your luxurious hair back. I don't know about y'all, but I'm tired of all that hair coming out all the time.

7. Good excuse for your forgetfulness. I'm still using the baby brain excuse, but pregnancy brain seems much more legit in my opinion.

6. The smells. You know you'll miss the smell of sour milk and poop when they're gone.

5. Pregnant women just look good. Being pregnant will hopefully cover up those dark circles under your eyes with all the glow-i-ness that occurs.

4.  Putting away the baby things can wait. Women (me included), get extremely emotional when putting away each different stage of clothes or toys. If you've got another bun in the oven, then you can just leave the toys where they lay and dream of the little one that will soon occupy them!

3. Forgetting things. I know we covered the excuse for forgetfulness, but if you have a baby relatively quickly after the first, then you don't have time to forget all the things with baby one and apply them to baby two (not that they'll work).

2. The dreaded periods. It was nice not having that friend come and visit for nine months, and then when it's unpredictable. If you're pregnant, you don't have to worry about any of that!

1. Who said you needed sleep? If you have another baby right away, you get all of your sleepless nights out of the way right off the bat! That way, just when you're getting used to sleeping again, you don't have a little bundle changing things up.

And for the record I'm not pregnant.


  1. Oh my goodness. I totally thought you were pregnant!! David was 9 months old when I got pregnant with Rachael...just saying.

  2. Haha this cracked me up!! I don't have any littles yet...but I am not quite sure you convinced me with this one ;)

    New follower on BlogLovin! I'm glad I found you on Life of Faith. :)

    Kylie @ Absolutely Arkansas

  3. I will be having baby number two next month and my Max will be turning 2 this month!

  4. Ha, these are good points . . . :-)

  5. These are actually kind of true now that I am just about six months pregnant and my baby is 10 months. But it was really not planned at all LOL I was not expecting a baby so quick after this one. But yea, I love that I don't have to cover up my belly or the period thing :)

  6. Hilarious!! I did this on accident--my second child was 9 months when I became pregnant with #3! I can totally relate to them, especially the hair thing. Found you through Mommy Moments Link-Up.

    1. My hair is still falling out and I'm so over it!

  7. So funny, and all great reasons! Stopping by from Mommy Moments. :)
    Nancy (

  8. I love the idea of having another baby but I am NOT ready to be pregnant again!!
