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24 April 2014

Oh baby baby: 20/21 weeks

This picture was taken at 21 weeks on Easter!

First up: 20 Week update

How far along: 20 Weeks

Trimester: 2nd - halfway there!

Baby size: Banana

Toes: It's sad, but they're getting harder to see every day!

Gender: BOY!

Movement: This little guy is getting stronger everyday! I just love feeling his kicks and punches!

Cravings: Spinach?

Aversions: My aversions are starting to change daily. 

Symptoms: Heartburn and hip pain is the worst.

Maternity clothes: There is nothing wrong with maternity clothes and I will proudly wear them. Baby has nowhere to go except out and my pants just don't fit anymore.

Best moment of the week: Deciding on a midwife!

What I'm looking forward to: Anatomy scan (it got moved)

And now for 21 weeks (where I'm at currently!)

How far along: 21 Weeks

Trimester: 2nd - less than halfway there!

Baby size: Cantaloupe 

Toes: It's sad, but they're getting harder to see every day!

Gender: It's a...(scroll down to see!)

Movement: More kicks and punches and some rolls even! I'm starting to be able to see him move and the hubs is able to now feel him kick!

Cravings: Spinach and feta

Aversions: They're still changing daily.

Symptoms: Heartburn, hip pain, and it's becoming harder to sleep at night.

Maternity clothes: There is nothing wrong with maternity clothes and I will proudly wear them. Baby has nowhere to go except out and my pants just don't fit anymore.

Best moment of the week: Our anatomy scan and our first midwife appointment!

What I'm looking forward to: Nesting! I'm hoping to start tackling our room soon!