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10 April 2012

life from under a rock

One thing I love about social network online is the ability to learn about new music. Now, I'm a country girl at heart. I love country music. Anytime. Any day. Give me some George Strait any day and I'm a happy girl. But as I wander around the blog-o-sphere world, I start "hearing" about other bands that are foreign to me. So my curiosity takes over and immediately I jump over to Pandora and plug in a new band or singer. One that I probably wouldn't have heard of in my little country, no television, only internet world. Of course people would think that "if you have the internet you why haven't you already heard of these bands?" But one can't look for what one doesn't know.

For the past couple of days, while living in my closet at work, I have been entertained by the Fleet Foxes. I learned about them over here on tales of me and the husband. They have provided me with the wonderful music I needed to get me through the day and the loneliness that is my closet. But, as many Pandora listeners know, Pandora doesn't just play music specific to the Fleet Foxes, they play music that "sounds like the Fleet Foxes." This then means I get to hear and learn about Mumford and Sons, James Yuill, and Bon Iver. Yes. For all those wondering, I've been living with my head under a rock.

I don't know how it happens, but I always seem to be the last to know about new and good music. It's been like that my entire life. I'm just now discovering many different and (who I assume to be) new artists. Artists that I really enjoy. Listening to their music is soothing to me. From what I've listened to so far, which is not a lot, I find everything to just be wonderful. I'm enjoying tapping my toe along with the rhythm while I wile away time on whatever I'm supposed to be doing at that point in time.

For now I'll leave you with the Fleet Foxes but if anyone has any musical suggestions, please feel free to share with me!

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